554th 2HourTrackSundays Event (2HTS554)
The participants have two hours to make a song and additional 15 minutes are granted for mastering and uploading. The chat happens on Discord. See the attachment for this week's theme video!
Entries (12)
Don't be an ignorant jerk that is not yasay
I spent all day on the title lol, because even the most basic wasn't working.
This track is kind of weird, in that it's got an assortment of sections that all flow from one and another, but it's kind of detuned in a way i cannot explain. The main bulk is a blend of really jazzy samples and breakbeats, with the break played in a less conventional way, whilst other synth goodies are added to keep it from being repetitive, whilst also being filtered for some funky goodness. It's about being as strange but very funky as possible. I like the sample used here, although pitching it wasn't exactly easy. Enjoy!
S-YXG50 MIDI sounds