Ride the synth waaaaves
Ok so I initially wrote this on my acoustic guitar as a sort of acoustic jam but then didn't really have the means to record it. Tried putting it into acoustic guitar VST but it sounded bad so I just popped it into my new folk plugin (which I'm still figuring out how to use) and messed around. The progression is sort of intact and I hope it calms y'all nerves
Started as a riff on the chords on the video, ended in another place
Too much raining BRRRR
Loudness warning!
Had my bass on hand so here's some groove
1 Sponge vs the Seashore
please forgive this hot mess
but also jam to the sweet neuro bass while you're here
Done in reaper since I don't have an electronic DAW installed anymore. Sit back and enjoy some chill quiet time at the museum ( ̄ω ̄)
Creepy corridors, dark passages to gaunt places. Aka little bit of an atmospheric intro with some black metal mixed in