believe me or delete me - but i swear, to both our gods....
hypothetically, the distance between you and me is all an illusion
and althought we're the only two alone here
we've been connected since the start of time
so if I said
I think
you've been the most beautiful thing
since the invention of beauty
could I hold you against me?
experientally I've had a rough day
bullet to the temple
gun to my head,
I'd choose tomorrow in a heartbeat
But, What about you?
What would you like to do today?
Here I am, everything you see here
I've got good qualities
they don't outshine the old ones
but I'm building new bridges everyday
I saw you in the doorway last night
and you invited me in;
i could tell you needed something too
but i always knew
you are just my imagination
hoping to create new bridges made of energy
to link between
me and you
time is an illusion;
you've always been mine
and ive always belonged to you
i didnt have time to finish, family emergency!
our eyes met and i knew it
in that moment
i was an old man now
because when i see you, i see a child acting out
i find my eyes are wandering wh enever i go outside
they must be looking for the one, now
if i'm inside, but you're out, can i spin a better story
when you're in then I pull out, you can't trick me into surrender
if I'm in when you're out, this was never really teamwork
I don't need to turn you inside out if I have to pay for sex
there's more ways to pay than money
This was supposed to be a rock song conceptually and I went down a different street and ended up in another country
i shine by nightlight, who am i?
i glitter like gold, im by the stopsign
im being pulled
over yonder theres a krispy creme sign
to smash my head on
red eye flight and every passenger is learning to sign
theyre saying i loved the last one
i passed on that bastard
i think ill die alone
everything that glitters isnt bold
but me? i shiver like gold
i'm g-g-glittering
is it the worst thing to see my life
through, alone?
does the glittery gold still shine if no ones around to worship false idols,
or do they need polish to show their worth?
Whenever im reminded of someone who's died
I just remind myself of every time
I ever felt bad about myself
And I stay lost in my feelings
And I start looking around
I'm taking a new inventory of
Every skill that I possess now
I'm emptying out my attic
And now I'm doing a yard sale,
Won't someone come please
buy you off?
I need someone to take you
Off my hands
I can't keep doing this with you,
We're always going back and forth again
How sad to say you are my only friend.
But I would rather be alone
Than to be in bad company
I'd rather sing this sing-along with myself
Than have to hear you go off key
this is where i was raised
this is where my head rests
this is where i'll die
god willing, rest my soul
this is where my heart is
this is where the fun is at
the reason why i'll die here
god willing, bless my soul
I climb the mountain I rolled the dice and I took my shot and hit my target I killed JFK
this might not work lol
After careful consideration of all that you've done for us
We've made the difficult decision to extricate ourselfs
in laymens terms:
Boy, I love the game, I just hate the way you play
Girl, I'm so amazed that you could raze ROME in a day
That was a masterstroke
Of genius; I'm saying I get brain
I've got 1234467 different
flavors of anachronism
pretty in a bow
taking turns for tennerite, i'm ancient god apostle
burn the naszca lines as tattoos to your throat
and you will know us by the dead we leave behind
you will know me by my first name
and you'll fake switch for son of sam when you whisper your affection
so swing the peace pipe low
so smoke 'em peace pipe
yeah I said it, iunno
shiver me timbers, i've run amuck
and I've lost myself
i've saved a sliver of what's left of
i put it in a lock box
i stored it in a well protected bank
where they once sold slaves
so I know that I can trust them
wouldn't you trust the hand that feeds you?
we write documentary films to while away hours of the day
i only record everything to document it
don't you trust me and my 20 dollar HDR mic?
Did I shatter her trust last night? i know one way to shut her up
did i go to college/ just to watch\\ the LA horizon
colored lights like optic cables
here in my car across, from you, I feel the safest
but disastisfaction's still on my tongue
I just need a little taste
then I'm off the stuff for good
are all my habits so disgusting as this one?
you didn't seem to mind the last time I warmed you up
got you innervated
if this last time is the last one
I'm gonna
i'll soak all of you up, like i'm a sponge //
in-toxicated; oh the ways you've got me drunk
on your taste and smell and your touch, let me clean you up,
I need to keep some of you within me
If you are what you eat, and you eat well\ despite our circumstances,
what about my drinking habits???
i wanted a drone too but i couldnt find it
Somewhere in the trees you'll find me chewing glass
Smoking sweet trees somewhere underneath the bubble green sea
Threw this together in band camp. 5/10 effort imo
im so well adjusted
look me in the eyes and see how well adjusted i am
doesnt every breath i breathe scream confidence?
i couldnt listen back first apologies to your ears
need a clear vision next time. still was fun
Christopher Reeves called me from the afterlife to say I could
posted in 2HTS538 on Jul 21, 2024lol
i see the look in your eyes
and it's intoxicating
i could stay drunk on you all day
you make me scream in your face;
did you mean to make me,
so mad it hurts? it's just your way of saying hello
I'm always saying goodbye
because I'm always changing
I'll never stay in one place
there's an old addage I find
that I am often saying:
I like my women like my coffee
hot and sweet
welcome to my planet
would you like to buy a membership?
caution: contents flammable
You know there was a story I told one time
about the living dead
it was my turn to tell tale, and I based it on myself.
There was a feeling from my party that I took another way,
if it's alright for me to say
I'm finished for today
I came from a box
i came in a box
Who's that cat in the box?
Did oit come out to play?
i was birthed from a box;
is that alright to say?
I'm am the greatest inventionmade since the box,
I'm good for putting stuff in
I'm got so much stuff that I have put away
Seal you up in a memory,
so that you'll never age in time
Eerie Indiana, Preserved in memory, a partner in time
Is that alright to say?
Shut up blockhead,
stop doing stupid stuff
be great like me!
wear boxer briefs!
(2hr 15 min)
my brother g.o.d. on bass (hopefully i didnt drown it out)
I did the best that i could lol
every instrument is first take im sorry :(
Don't believe me
i am your angel of darkness
i have been born inside
i bring the tides
and the currents of time
and ride with every eddy and stream
I'm your messiah, do you know how to read?
Hey, Here's my book
You can buy it
Have a look, read inside it
all because you listened to me
Still learning to use REAPER. Not sure what kind of genre this is, I was going for billy joel when I started LOL
blessed and highly favored
famous last words;
every action's reaction builds traction towards
inhale the good, out with the bad
wax on wax off
chase the hit with vodka
it's a ripple effect;
cause and causation
interpolation of the new exercises
show me the new way
can you read me in a new way?
do I have to slip on the mask
and show you what can hide on the inside?
you itch my back, i itch yours
you're only a tick until i burn you
drown you
melt you down to your base parts
we could become amalgamation just
lift the sheets before you fart
forgive me your ears if this still didnt export right...
I want to have a moment together
I really like to see you together
I'm honestly not bothered by the weather outside
I don't need to see around me
And if I do I've got a flashlight
With led
The way you move it's like a
The way you move it's like a beautiful
Dance for two
I love to be a part from you
The tonal characteristics of your voice
You make some gorgeous noise
And when I see your shoes come flying off I know it's on
Between me and you and you
I want to have a moment together
I really like to see you together whenever
I'm honestly not bothered by the weather outside
It's not really raindrops on my eyes
I'm crying for you
I follow you by match light
I know every place you move
I like to dream I'm as light as the wall supporting you
I've never seen a body twist and bend the way you do
That's the promise that you made
The bands that find you
The darkness binds you
I don't get Jungle just yet. This is a song about changing like a phoenix.
I love like a barbarian
Because I am a barbarian
You're Conan's Joan of arc
And if I could be your DeAngelo I'd be
Like jack and Jill went down in infamy in the offices;
Ah, the Office!
Oh summer spell, come cast me a twenty.
Good morning mother
i had my guitar nearby so i did a thing. gemini and claud helped with lyrics
Verse 1:
Built up bigger than bricks to hide you in
I seed trees to grow my legacy
Tiny treasure held within,
A mighty oak will soon be born from
This acorn, so small and so slight,
It holds the future inside
I hear you crunching the time until the stopwatch chimes,
Should I surrender or am I alone in this?
Verse 2:
Squirrels and robins gather round,
Their secrets hidden under ground.
They know the strength these seeds possess,
We're strong when we're quiet.
Watch me watching the trees breathe,
I smell like copper and ivory
I need some time to get myself figured out
I'm so sorry I'm sorry
I wish THAT I'd watched you die - I wish I'd left you there lying on the ground
I wish THAT I could make your voice leaf me
I wish THAT I had left you deleted
from my mind
I want to tear you apart
Verse 3:
The acorn rests heavy in my palm
A reminder that growth can emerge from calm
Though rage and grief wage war inside me
The quiet strength of nature shall be my guide
I envision a towering oak's embrace
Its roots grounding me to this time and place
To nurture the seed I must tend the soil
Of my weathered soul with patience, not toil
The acorn, small and slight,
Once held a future, burning bright.
And as its branches touch the sky,
One day, like the oak, I'll learn to rise above it all.
i go where i want, if you want to come along
i dont go outside when its raining
alt title; eating myself out
45 minutes
didnt have time to make any real music so experimented instead.
i like to wander around sometimes
i go in circles around the block
like theyre preparing me for something
i like to wander around sometimes
i go around and around in circles
kind of like theyre preparing me for something
I like to wander around sometimes.
Circles around the block,
Like they're not leading me anywhere.
I like to wander around sometimes...
Going around and around in circles,
Kind of like there's no point to it all.
give me a reason to say **** **
I dont really know how to play guitar honestly
Mr. Sforzando: From Bellows to Brains
Once a master of metal and flame, Mr. Sforzando traded his blacksmith's hammer for a tinkerer's toolbox after his fiery passion waned. Now, his workshop hums with the whir of gears and the crackle of electricity, not the clang of forge and anvil. Age may have etched lines on his face, but his eyes still sparkle with the ingenuity of a man who can coax miracles from scrap.
i think this is a song? probably anyway
hear that buzz in the air?
any time I see your hair stand up
My heart stands up on end!!
Not because I'm scared of light,
I only want to be your friend!!
I light up with life like the light inside me got electrified
You're electrifying
will you be my friend?
Switch me on, baby girl,
You don't have to break my light,
don't need to leave me in the dark again :(
I see through translucent white
Casper Kasperov
Light my life up and I'll turn you on
I'll twist you like a
I've been trying to learn compression and guitar VSTs, so this was mostly an experiment. Arranged the drums first and then jammed all the instrumentals as a bit of practice, because I almost always just click-arrange things. This was really hard to get done! The bass is rough because I didn't have time to plug my amp into the computer, so I recorded my amp with my AT2020 mic. Hopefully it's not super out of balance and no one goes deaf like I am now.
I wanted to try doing boom bap. I dont know what I made.
hurry and upload
This was supposed to be a folk rock song or something originally, but I decided to make my brother figure it out with me and it went great, as you can hear. I've never made a ska song in my life, so this was interesting. He played the bass, but I woke him up and made him do it half awake because I used all of my time very well.
I knew what life would be, I just didn't think it could happen to me
Now I'm looking for something more
I hate all of this;
Impossible waiting for something i wont see
Withering slowly like a desert flower
The itch i cant scratch at the back of neck
Staring expectantly
Those Give me what i came for eyes
Those lies that cut me deep
Don't talk to me about love please
Your mouth is full of straw
(You're a scarecrow)
how can you still go on?
When the fields burn down will you leave please
im so late im so late im so late
Hi there little boys and girls! Today we're gonna learn how to poison squirrels!
i'm feeling gold tonight
Round | Date |
2HTS509 | Jan 01, 2024 |