One Hour Compo - Round 747 (OHC747)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (17)
left my boyfriend
back at LAX
i didn't need him
rather jetset
with my two best friends
enjoy my freedom
i've got three tickets
you've got the moves
and though we're skimping out on legroom
we'll still groove
i've got a ziploc
you've got the booze
in those teeny tiny bottles
they're so cute
business in the front
party in the back
with us in coach
we're in coach baby
we don't have a lot
but we do the most
back here in coach
we're in coach baby
how ironic.
Ready to meet new people, discover new places? Hop on, and let's ride away.
I'm trying to figure out the musical identity for the next world of Rhythm Quest, so I'm doing some experiments to figure out a good style that I can work with.
"Making Of" video:
Droning pipes, long chords, whistles and strings. For airplanes? Sure.
The ph33r of sweaty backs in the seats and stinky armpits on the plane.
Don't worry I'm not anywhere near an airplane now.
I don't know what I'm doing here
on this plane. I'm sick
my sniffles give me away.
I'm gonna stay right here
on the couch and go
to bed as soon as I
reasonably can
I went for an 80's styled piece, with a very uplifting chord sequence and melody followed by some thick side chain and beat. There is 3 layers of synth chords, a stringed pad as well as some different melodies. Towards the middle is where the choir and piano comes in alongside a looped Motown sample for good measure. I might have overdone the sidechain but i'll base this all on personal taste when it comes to peoples reactions. I also went a little too long on the ending, as i needed to end it, but forgot to make it less repetitive lol. All in all i hope you like it!
A practice while I get back on the horse.
An emotional support horse
What's your name?
Emotional Support Horse
What's your job?