One Hour Compo - Round 748 (OHC748)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
Starting by recycling something I made last year. Turned into something of a build-up for an adolescent bird's attempt to master the key function of its species, beginning gentle and light as it works its way into a bold burst of effort.
Fly away from the nest
Fly away from the rest
Break out from my shell
That I wore so long
I spread my feathers
Cut my tethers
I flap my arms
I come to you
I come to you
This was a pretty difficult theme. I think I made the best of it though.
Does a birb pivoting while riding a thermal updraft count as drifting?
Red bird wings
Cross the eyes
Specks in sky
Hard times flow
Like birds fly slow
Let those thoughts go
poorly composed on a laptop with broken soundcard drivers and old software.
I used a lot of chords in this one, so that's why it's not my usual length. Normally i take a progression and loop it, but in this case i tried to go for a few chord changes, and modulations throughout. It's not just 4 chords, it's essentially like 15-20 chords lol. The track itself was initially some adventurous imitation synth orchestral type thing, but it developed into a synth like melodic piece, with the grand strings what so ever. It definately sounds worthy of expansion, i do like what i've done here. Making a lot of chord progression results in shorter music, who knew lol. Oh well, enjoy!
A song that uses bird sounds combined with the other instruments
The little wings let go. It's time to move on from the nest
He wobbles to and fro. His tiny body's not the best
You see the metaphor, the moment's come to take your step
But will you fly on up, or will you plummet down?
From the highest highs, could you achieve you goal
Or stumble down, fall further in the hole?
Your start in life, could meet a tragic end
It may depend on how you hold yourself
Perspective changes when you stand upon the highest mound
and looking down upon the unforgiving rocky ground
But it behooves you still to take a chance and flap your limbs
So all that's left to do is take a leap and go
G Dm
It's time to open up my eyes and see
there is a world out there
G Dm
So many questions and so much to learn
I gotta start right now
Eb F C
But I'm young and I'll fail
Eb F Bb D/A Gm
that is why I will try and try again
Eb F G
I will find my way
C D Em Emadd9
This path is uncharted
C D Em Emadd9 D
This path is new
No obstacles
shall bring me down
There's nothing in the way