One Hour Compo - Round 746 (OHC746)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
The night doesn't have to be so dark
Inspired by the manga Gyo, by Junji Ito.
I don't know what that is, computer. It doesn't appear in any of our records, and we're not sure what to think about it. It kind of resembles some other species that our civilization has encountered in the past, but nothing quite like this actually exists, as far we know. Until now, that is.
you were the runt of the litter
far from the coolest fish at school
weren't you?
you try to hide that you're bitter
behind the dream that you'd get big too
don't you?
you consumed
you consumed
til' you made your way to the top
you consume
you consume
but it's never gonna be enough
beneath the scales and the gills
there's something there that
gives me chills
you'd move in for the kill
when you smell fear
you get a thrill
i'll call it by its name
and i won't play your game
your motives are apparent
i hate you're this transparent
I own a whole pond full of fish so it's not like I don't know what they're like.
i fell asleep last week so i didn't get to do compo :/
Decided to go with 2 parts, as i felt it was too repetitive to be expanded upon. So this is part 1. I opted for a calming techno like number with a soft chord progression, pad textures, and a nice melody. Kind of sounds relaxing, despite the beats. Sounds fun, hope you enjoy!
Bears tear up my brothers
Foxs mutilate my sisters
I fight against the tide
I fight for my way home
My body falls to the sand
For my task is done
I’ve done what can
My children carry on
My blood to the ocean
For many many eons
The river of life continues
Deep at the water’s edge
A little fish appears
Next to all the dredge
I can’t help but think of us
As little fishes we once were
In the widest rivers
Only thoughts were pure
There’s many fish in the sea
But there’s only one fish for me
In a million miles of ocean
I found you happily
There might’ve been another fish
Another pond, another sea
But we ended up together
I found you happily
This is the 2nd part, and it features a more industrial overtone, in the mist of the sentimental melodic ideas. It's beautiful, but at the same time deliberately distorted. It's like 2 different worlds colliding. Enjoy!