One Hour Compo - Round 665 (OHC665)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (22)
Something about holding my breath? IDK
Bleary Bridge?
Obscure Overpass?
Crepuscular Catwalk?
Soupy Scaffold?
Employed some new vsts, including some "Tibetan singing bowls", new chimes, and glassy things. Something lonely and desolate for the departed who linger about a passageway to their realm, or something like that.
Impact Soundworks Plectra Series 5: Guzheng
Kinda forgot how to use this thing so had to relearn some of it on the fly, still kinda trashy but oh well
lyrics? in an hour? impossible
spent my days sittin'
where the grass ain't greener
you've got a new demeanor
is that what life's like
on the other side?
spend my nights wishin'
one day i'll be braver
i'll aim for somethin greater
but i can't move forward
no matter how i try
try as i may
i can't get over you
leavin me this way
try as i may
i can't move forward
try as i may
you tried your best i guess
but i just stay the same
you built the bridge
i can't get over it
You take your steps toward the other side
A bridge too far, and yet you saunter right over
With every step it wobbles to and fro
and then you feel it when you get the cold shoulder
You freeze in place, your feet cannot go forward
The destination is a speck in the distance
An ounce of strength is what would steel resolve
But on the other hand, you'll rest for a minute
If you fall, you will soon recall there's a ground
It isn't bottomless
The bridge can kill, if you drop you will make a sound
With no one else around
Your body tenses, nearly halfway there
and grip on tighter as you fight for your balance
A simple slip and you could end it all
The mental strain alone could drive you to panic
We were awalkin
Above the forest
Without knowing
What lay before us
The bridge was aswingin
And we were shakin
But we had each other
Were not forsaken
Is this how our life goes?
This unknown, unknown
But if its with you
Thats ok, thats ok
Second entry since I finished early.
Pro tip, use the images provided for inspiration.
went for a creepy vibe dont know if it does sound creepy tho
Take a walk on the bridge
through the trees through the canopy
Take my hand and grip it tight
Listen to the birds as the sing
The sun goes down tonight
There are no stars just you and me
It really tied the room together
Think of it as a drum jam, but with lots of varied percussion, chanting, and really just a...less structured approach. Imagine a group of natives all dancing together and playing the drums. Jungle themes = tribal yes?
Had a lot of fun with this, hope you do too.
Before you lies the bridge. This is the last milestone that you remember your father talking to you about. Last time, he stopped here, as the risk was too high. Today, you will make history.
Criss-cross above the trees
Below is everything that I can see
Critters, birds, and rustling leaves
Nothing escapes my gaze
But when you cross below
I steal a sordid glance
The one place I cannot see
Is within your heart