One Hour Compo - Round 664 (OHC664)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (22)
Dragons dancing to the beat
Desolate graveyard of rock, the land is bare
We gotta make our way across into the dragon's lair
Pick up your sword, come on aboard, you have to go
Find the crystal and abyssal demon of yore
The sky breaks like the skin of a beetle, cracked like gravel
Ashen plains all the way from here to where you wanna travel
The dry wind whips your face, stinging your eyes, as you realize
the prize, the cake was a lie, and then you cry
Tired and mired in misery,
But you pick up your feet, and vow to trudge on bitterly
Skeletons are crumbling, the tired earth is rumbling,
This journey has been humbling, but don't you dare be fumbling
The challenge awaits, the dragon awaits your coming and
this is your fate, it's never too late to be a hero
Challenge awaits, the dragon awaits your coming and
This is your fate, it's never to late to be a hero
Much respect to Nujabes.
Your quest has lead you to the portal to Fireworld, a land filled with danger and riches.
Tread carefully, Heroes!
Seggy Geneticist
You wake up after having a nightmare. A dragon was overseeing the land, and you were left to defend yourself with the rest of the town people.
You wake up to the smell of heavy smoke. There's what looks like fog in the air, and you can't see around you clearly.
You begin walking up the mountain, towards the dark shadow looming from up above.
It sounds latin, so it's cool, right? Naw. More "symphonic metal" stuff from Soup. Salvaged some musical ideas from an entry a few months ago.
waited too late to get inspired for lyrics. it misses them.
I wasn't gonna join tonight, then saw the awesome pictures and forced myself to compose. Had only one earbud working tonight, so I really hope it sounds good! Also, doomy dragon lands are really awesome.
All you can eat
:D Deciding to stay simple nothing to complex (For me anyway)
...I don't know how to do this
That image was really adamant at making me do cinematic classical music. Luckily i refused, on the grounds i don't have the unnescary tools to do the job.
Made a very dark kind of electro-ambient thing. It's very much atmospheric, and also full of very unique chord progressions. The drums kind of also lend itself to industrial music, but it's really how you interpret it. I'd say electro-ish with elements of industrial. Laser beat if you will.
Oh and don't forget the most important. DAW crashes, because they are so much fun right? Had my DAW not crashed, i would have time to do more mixing and adjustments. (It crashed a fair few times, not just once) Oh well, frustrating aside i hope you enjoy this.
A circle of black clouds surrounds the Dark Lord's castle. Lightning strikes topple mountains, horrors rise from the swamps, the dead rise from their graves, multi-headed dragons take flight and burn the countryside. In dark times such as this, even the stalwart can lose hope.
Figured out how to use filters and set automation tracks in FL Studio. It's a bit short though...
This is a remaster of my entry from 12 March 2020
See that your soul has succumbed to the epic monster thrash
But know that hope is not lost
You've got a chance, all you need is to pony up the cash
For every thing, there's a cost
Leveling up is as easy as entering your card
Your info's safe and secure
and in a moment, you're buffed and the beast you can discard
He'll be defeated for sure
Paying to win is not a shameful as people will say
An option to take, a simple micro transaction
The others will claim, it's just a scam to get money from you
To get to the end, you'll do a micro transaction
Draining you wallet is your choice and no one else's here
You fed your impulse, is all
Try on your own, but the boss is no joke, impossible
Unless you grease some more palms