One Hour Compo - Round 666 (OHC666)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (25)
Harrowing focus
The dismal array
Fanatic obsessions
Impart the canid foray
Shadowy figures
Ascend the pillars midday
With incantations
Bedecked in robes of gray
And in their wisdom
They shout to stem the plague
Offload their penance
To those among the fray
Forgotten children
Amongst the ashes play
To sing of rings and rosies
Pockets of decay
Ashes to the wind
missing a doot doot
Did this ahead of time since I figured I might be late to OHC (and I was).
Timing was still one hour (and 10 minutes to finish up).
You will know this song, or at least most will. Quite fitting since it's round 666 lol.
Although i used the original accapella, everything else was essentially remixed/arranged by me. I tried to make it as faithful to the original as i can, while putting my own electronic spin on it.
Down on your luck, everything is never going your way
All you do is bring shame, your life is going astray
Then one day, it would seem a fortune falls on your path
All it costs is the whole of your soul, so you
Make a deal, if your problems can dissolve now
Sign away, on the contract you are offered
Naturally, there's a catch with this agreement
Especially when you're dealing with the devil
So it would seem that your life has improved, and daily
But inside you can feel the emptiness, a craving
To fulfill, it won't take, you'll never feel completed
and you wish you could renegotiate it so
pentecostal skinny puppy
charismatic industrial, if you will.
BOY was it cramped inside that center of the earth!
Now I Try to Make A Beat Outta This Cool Sound
by JustAVideoGame on Jul 15, 2021The last track was me showing you it's history and context. Now i try and make some fire grooves out of it. Think of the previous track as a buildup,
and this as a sort of second submission.
you only live once
so come and party with the dead
instead of writing songs in your bedroom
Eh... it's a long story. I made this tune on a stock version of ableton with a stock version of spire and nothing else because that's all I had on my only working laptop.. In about 30 minutes. Because I couldn't find my laptop charger and that's how long my battery lasted.
But it's all about the journey, not the destination, right my mates?
Laying out the candles
Send a breathy prayer
Look upon the lost ones
I feel them in the air
Clutch the ward close
Send forth the blessed wave
To cast aside the evils
And find the one I save
Armed with desperation
Wield a blade of light
Looking out for you
I stand my ground and fight
Trapped against the mirror
Against a sickly gaze
The truth that it shows me
It's too much for me to brave
I'm falling into the depths of Hell for you
I'm facing the skeletons in my closet
An amateur's string quartet telling a somber, sometimes freakish tale of mortality and the inevitable.
Just instruments this time
Blazing hellbat, he's burning outta time, Burn into hell's cinder, Flap your wings and BURN.
So, I put on a suit, the fanciest I had. I knew I had to be there on time, that was the deal. My problems were a thing of the past, and I was ready to face this new thing head on. "This is my favorite tie", I thought, as I got closer to the gate. Thank God I had a nice suit. After all, you only die once.
Trust me, it will kind of freak you out.
Do you wanna hear something scary?
You know The Beatles right? The famous band everyone loves.
Well take a look at this.
Go to the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, and go straight to the last track, A Day in the Life.
In typical cases, it ends on a very long release with the keyboards fading out, and for a lot of people,
this is the cue to end the track. But what they don't know is, that if you patiently wait a little longer, then something like this happens:
What are they saying? I don't know so many people have tried to work it out to different results. What do you think?