One Hour Compo - Round 829 (OHC829)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (11)
Meistr, KieranValor, Colorado Weeks, Tokai, and Rukku - Yeah
by Meistr on Aug 29, 2024[Colorado Weeks]
Is it the paint fumes or emotion?
Catch me crying Krylon every time I hear your name
Watch our demise in slow motion
Putting off the end in an attempt to delay the pain
Yet we broadcast our fights
In neons and whites
Peeking through the tags
to see what’s brought to light
Gaslit in aerosol by cover of night
Can’t tell what’s wrong or right
I'm going radioactive
Coursing through my veins I'm ‘coming
The voices inside my head
Say that's okay
Slowly, quickly
They fade away
Writing on the walls,
Am I goin’ insane?
What’s going on
inside my brain?
How am I gonna get
Through this day?
How the hell can I
Figure out what to say?
what a fella (raunchy noise warning)
This track is basically 2 chord sequences looped nonstop, played on a saw synth in a 1-2 bar phrase, creating something both sparkly and also very long-winded. For basically the whole track it's kind of a test in endurance as you will be listening to the synth throughout, with very little in terms of chord changes, key changes or even section changes. Bulk of the interest is coming from the melodies that are woven in and out, as well as the glitchy effects that begin around the 3 minute mark. Also the drums start of relatively simple, but they get very mangled towards the end. I tried to keep it locked to a hip-hop framework, whilst still adding in some cool little touches to keep it interesting. At the end of the day, most will just see it as a generic TVG type beat. Whatever it is, even if i'm not presenting you with the easiest of listens, i still had quite a bit of fun making it. Hope you enjoy!
Laying it down... yo...
Wash the bricks free
The door opens in the rain yo
There's one body here now
I'm watching in your moment
Wash it all away.
Nothing's made it to the top
I'm the one and only paint shop
When the blood on the walls
Can't take it no more
I come down and smother
The colors of the rainbow
Leave it to hide to the tragedy
Never forget each paint drop is a memory
Paint the reality
It's not for me
Our lives are grim
Give me a pastel to cover my eyes
I'm hiding the blight a color at a time
The life past my eyes is grim
Give me pastel cover the world in trim