One Hour Compo - Round 829 (OHC829)

Votes (5)

Aug 29, 2024 Arcana
  1. Meistr, KieranValor, Colorado Weeks, Tokai, and Rukku - Yeah
  2. light

Enjoyed also:




Aug 30, 2024 TheVideoGamer
  1. light
  3. Yeaah Yeaah

All comments are replied to on Discord, making this section irrelevant. Onto the Voting!

TheVideoGamer - This track is kind of an exercise in endurance. For basically the whole track we dart back and forth between 2 one bar chord sequences, playing 9ths, to make for a sparkly listen. The chords are played on a trance like synth, but matched to a sort of hip-hop backing to keep with the graffiti theme. In terms of the rest, there isn't really much in terms of changes. We have a couple of melodies woven in and out, as well the occasional arp appearance, but for the most part it's just the chords nonstop. Towards the 3 minute mark i introduce a glitchy element, which is just me automating DBlue, as i'm lazy lol. The breaks themselves are the backbone of the piece, which alternates back and forth between 2 different ones. It starts of mostly tame, but then the breaks get a little mangled towards the end. I was really trying to stretch as much as i could from the nonstop looping of the chords. Sometimes the music works best, when it's simple. All in all, whilst probably not the easiest of listens (Depending on how you define it), i did have fun making it, and i hope you enjoyed it to. Oh well, glad you liked it anyways!

LillyMeadows - Ooh these beats are tight, i really dig the swing here. Those chords feel familiar, but i don't know. The glitchy effects are really cool, not too much to where it becomes almost brain melting, but i can definately feel the different glitchy ideas. The snare sound in this is lovely. I don't hear much raunchiness, i don't know what samples you are using haha. I don't know what else to say really, i'm actually pretty captivated by the cool glitchy element, it really makes for something funky. I do wish there was an ending though, it felt a little abrupt, but aside from that, i don't think there's anything else to say, i'll give you this one. Well done!

DarkShadow - Man my headphones is getting a battering wow. This is not fast for a DarkShadow entry, i'm concerned lol. My god my ears can't take the battering with that much bass. I'm sorry man, good job!

Barley - Oh hey it's been a while, how are you? This is very funky, but also it has a really nice triplet feel. I feel like it's got a bit of an Ape Escape vibe going on, it's really great. The vocals were pretty funny lol. The guitar work was very unexpected, but surprisingly hollow, i don't know if it's the deliberate reverb usage, but it drowns out the rest for me. It's still a great tone, i just feel it could be blended a bit more. I do love the idea though, it definately made me smile. Good job!

Nukage - That waveform scares me lol. Lots of cool delayed guitar sounds here, it feels like were starting with a more Indie opening, even though i know it's going to be a hard hitting Nuke Metal experience. Loving how it provides you with a sort of moody ambience, even though were in a rock setting. So far there's been no vocals, and i don't know if that's intentional or not, because lately you've bee riding the vocal train. Still though, i don't mind it, because it's not always what i look for in a track. The synth in this, is very distorted, it's like a sine mallet, but with all of the gain cranked up. Personally i think it's a bit too much, but i just have a feeling were going to drop into a hard hitting metal backing. It's very loud in contrast with the drums. Since were not doing metal, it doesn't really blend with the overall mix for my liking. Now this doesn't mean that this is bad, no the melodies are lovely, i just feel for this kind of vibe, you might have gone a little too hard on the gain. Still though, don't be discouraged, you do some really sick pieces, so nothing is lost. Good job!

DDRKirby(ISQ) - Ooh that is a tight beat, you even manage to get the one shots down. It isn't a straight hip-hop beat though, you still manage to sneak in that DDR flute melody, that is common in your tracks. The scratches are pretty wild, i must say. This is one hell of a catchy groove. I also love that you wanted the beats to shine in this, there's just so many changes going on. The vocal one shots were also really fire. I do think there is a lot of snare work going on, i'm just happy with one snare sound lol. Also i think you might be overusing the risers just a tad, but really i do have a tendency to nitpick a bit (I relistened, and yeah that's me going on full nitpick mode, just ignore me lol). This one was still absolutely fire, with some great chops going on here. It was so good, i decided to place it 2nd. Amazing work!

Meistr - Man you just keep upping the collabs don't you? Next week you'll have like 20 different people on one song. Oh hey Colorado is on here, that's neat. Loving that deep moody piano, it feels very much like a great atmospheric opener, even if it's very quiet, however this is the intro, so the beat will be coming soon. The drop was really great, that bass work is fire, it's quite the funky piece. I love the different raps here, although i do notice the vocals are different in the 2nd one. It's almost like one is recording in a dry close setting, whilst the other is recorded in a more open setting. Not saying it's bad at all, i just notice the drastic differences, which can be slightly jarring not gonna lie. It's like drinking Coke and then switching to Pepsi all in the same timeframe. The guy at the end though, he also spit some fire bars....for like 2 seconds lol. I wish he had more time for more bars. Honestly the whole thing is great, i do like the mix a lot here, probably my favourite mix you've done to date, and even though the room tones for each vocalist made a drastic difference, i don't think it was enough to ruin the track, so i'll give you this one. Well done!

Arcana - Loving the bitcrushed effects, feel very much like were in a science fiction movie. Is it like rap week or something, because there's so many rap inspired beats. I get it, the theme is Graffiti, but still. it's just unexpected. The chorus is really great, but i could do with maybe slightly louder vocals. Honestly you should explore rap more often, you have some pretty sick bars. Overall the track itself was actually pretty great, the melodies were fire, and the beats were really cool. I just wish your vocals were slightly louder, but that's about it. Ending was a little abrupt, but that's fine. Even with my critiques, i don't think there was really enough to not warrant an awesome ranking. So i'll give you this one, well done!

obScene - More hip-hop beats! Man this week is so hip-hop heavy. This one has a lot of cool sustained chiptune chords, it's lovely. It wouldn't be an obScene melody without the flute lol. It actually works really well with the beat, although i am feeling the chiptune elements more in my opinion. I love the strumming effect we have going on at the end, it's almost like you've stacked a bunch of delay's here. The whole thing is really good, i'd probably swap out the flute, as a better synth/instrument could work better here, however i did not hate it (It still works super well). Whole thing was absolutely fire regardless so, awesome work!

DJohn - And now we take a detour into guitar based pop/folk music. Loving the guitar work as always, you know your guitar so well. I love the tone as well, it feels more raw, and lo-fi, instead of it being too pristine. The vocal work is amazing as usual, this is just a perfectly written song. Sometimes i listen to you, and i think "You're way too much a professional here". I'm struggling to have anything else to say, this is just a wonderful pop piece. So wonderful i placed it on the top spot, incredible work!

Misael.K - That bassline is calling me, it speaks my language lol. I love the light percussion here, you have a lot of swing stuff going on, it's super funky. The DX7 inspired chords are lovely too, it feels quite jazzy, but yet it's more of an oldschool 90's sound. Those drums are insane, it's not your average hip-hop beat, and instead sounds more like a mild IDM kind of beat. You're like the 3rd person today to do scratches haha, and they're surprisingly super well done! Very abrupt ending, but i understand you started late, so i'll forgive that. All in all, this was exceptionally done, that beat was very catchy. So catchy i placed it third, amazing work!

Top 3 - DJohn, DDRKirby(ISQ), Misael.K.

obScene also deserves a spot on the list, it was lovely.

Awesome - LillyMeadows, DDRKirby(ISQ), Meistr, Arcana, obScene, DJohn, Misael.K.

Needs Work - DarkShadow, Barley, Nukage.

Aug 30, 2024 A2Z
  2. graffiti mcgee
  3. Wash it all away

Sep 05, 2024 Misael.K
  1. Meistr, KieranValor, Colorado Weeks, Tokai, and Rukku - Yeah
  3. graffiti mcgee

Great entries all around. Here's the top three graffitiest.

awesum: Arcana, DDRKirby(ISQ), DJohn, LillyMeadows, Meistr, nukage, obScene, TheVideoGamer.
good: Barley, DarkShadow.

Sep 05, 2024 ethansight
  2. Wash it all away
  3. graffiti mcgee

DDR - trap it up!

nukage - vibey space groove

obScene - great pulse, lots of little plucks

Misael.K - zip kick flip

LillyMeadows - lil funky fuzzy beat