One Hour Compo - Round 815 (OHC815)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (12)
it's going to be okay
I almost hit a snag, until i realised that all it needed to amp up the chill factor was a bit of guitar. So i found a guitar loop in a strummed triplet feel, that ended up really being the driving force of the track. I felt like doing one of those pieces that is very long winded, but yet is driven by sounds bother ever so subtle, and also very wide and spacious, to make for what is a free flowing calm piece. Basically the kick drum, the bassline and the guitar is the never ending anchor, whilst very soft chill sounds of varying reverbed proportions carry the melodic ideas. Is it repetitive to a degree? Possibly, but i tried to keep the atmosphere in this one, as well as manage the overall intensity, as i wanted it to be both groovy and relaxing. I like this one, even if it's not super complex. Enjoy!
I prefer a more gentle approach.
I didn't have a lot of time but I had an idea. Probably my worst compo submission to date, but hey, I tried.
Fish Grease
I lay you down on the silk sheets
we're gonna have a good time tonight
damn, them sheets cost fifty dollars at walmart
oh yeah
electric guitar
bass solo
oh yeah
i'm not getting silk sheets
the dogs tore a hole in it again
I think I'm not so good with abstract themes lately
I saw you sneak
A little glance
If an angel falls
Is it my chance?
Next to a night light
Holding the blue mic
A speech in twilight
That song for daylight
When nothing is what you asked for
You got it and everything more
When the risk is too great
Then bet the silk for you to take
A precious touch
Smooth on my skin
How do I dare to be close with you
Your gentle self
Let’s kiss again
Dare to be close once again
Let’s kiss again
Dare to be close once again