One Hour Compo - Round 814 (OHC814)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (17)
This is essentially a downtempo piece featuring thick reverbed drums, that are both wide and atmospheric, but not too obtrusive to the point of it being in the way, lots of thick pad chords playing some very mystical chords, as well as a filtered melody on a slightly more abstract synth. The track is very simple when you look at it on paper, but the chord choices and movement really make it more sophisticated with emphasis on atmosphere. The overall development is mostly slow, but you do notice the change. Towards the end, i incorporate a piano sample modulated to make somewhat of a new melodic idea out of it. Yes there's piano throughout, but this marks the period where the piano is the main star and not a background element. All in all it's a really cool piece, even if it doesn't say much. Enjoy!
Waiting For Black Metal Records To Come In The Mail (Have A Nic
by THEGREATDESTROYER22 on May 16, 2024One of my favorite songs ever and I'm happy with the way this cover turned out especially because it was thrown together in like 47 minutes (That's why it's kind of rough at points). I probably will create a revised version some day.
What has become of all of us, all ceilings, all skies
Is that, the stars can swim a thousand dark miles
Before they ever see the floor again
With their backs against the wall on these last days
But then, we knew that would happen anyway
You drop that pitch-black pall
Over us, one and all, again
To propel your national machines
Giving us all the disease, but not the vaccine
A thousand tiny lives
Disappear into the black stretch
And I guess I thought I'd feel something, but I didn't
But I didn't, yes, that's a myth
With their backs against the wall on these last days
But then, we knew that would happen anyway
You drop that pitch-black pall
Over us, one and all, again
To propel your national machines
Giving us all the disease, but not the vaccine
I would give anything for a cool glass of water
Without this poisonous oil
No, it's never gonna be good enough
Powerful shadow atop the dark throne
Just stop. I don't care why you think you should continue. Stop. No one is forcing you.
it's a brake light in the rain
Lyrics and Vocals by Camana, Instrumental by Meistr
I feel like myself when I'm in disguise
You never wanna see me in the light
We could never see eye to eye
Leave me in the dark out of spite
You fight and take the wind from me
Doesn't the blood shed mean anything to you?
Does it mean anything to you?
So tell me can you feel it now feel it now
It's getting colder getting shivers now
So tell me can you feel it now feel it now
Cause I do cause I do
Basically I wanted some kind of eerie loop to start with and then kind of make dnb on top of that so I grabbed Heavyocity Symphonic Destruction Loop Designer and found a few eerie orchestral loops in there, then I used my Launchpad in note mode (phrygian scale) to improvise some bass lines over that. I already had an idea in my head of what I wanted the drums to be like so I just quickly programmed those. I had an instrument rack set up with a ton of different bass sounds, mapped so that different velocities would trigger different bass samples, so I used that to create the drop bass by just varying the velocity to change the sample and messing with a few simple parameters. I basically just created 2 variations of the drop bass line. Then I just kind of turned on and off the other layers to create the sense of progression in the drop. Lastly I added a few fills, an amen break, and that was about it.
Didn't know how to translate red wet glass and smoke to song, so I did this instead. Maybe it's related. Probably not. But it exists now. Voice sample: Celia - O' Davi.
Hi, this is my first One Hour Compo (I came here from OCR). I got lucky and managed to compete in time. I saw the 1st picture and thought of both blood dripping and medium rain on a window. For that, I wrote something gothic and used a watery synth for the bassline. I made this using both FL studio and Musescore. This is my first attempt at one of these (I'm not used to writing so quickly and on the fly) so please be easy on me.
When you throw down a wicked smile
When you give me silence
The red smoke covers my eyes
I can’t see through
the darkness to you
When you throw down a wicked smile
When you give me silence a while
It’s a smoke screen that I can’t see to you.