One Hour Compo - Round 799 (OHC799)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (13)
The longest ten minutes of your life.
is that the droning thump of spinning disk failure, or is it the concert you didn't go to because of a sense of duty?
This song is basically the musical equivalent of me banging my head on a computer to get it to work(old IT trick). Don't even ask me to rearrange those wires in an orderly fashion; we don't do that here.
This is what happens when a computer eats you (FNAF reference??)
I'm sorry but i was desperate, this theme was so hard. Beat block absolutely sucks :(
This track is basically a rework of a very very old 2hts entry, that i decided to spruce up with some more mixing, some new reverb and distortion effects, and a couple more sounds to keep it interesting, whilst i still retained that slow building energy. It's a track that keeps on building from the start to the finish, before the climatic explosion. It's mostly pad sounds and distorted streams of water, all filtered with volume increases. Next week i'll make some good music, and not spend 25 minutes on this crap....
Have fun anyways.....
(hardware: TR-8s, Access Virus TI, Micromonsta 2, sequenced on Hapax, recorded to Bitwig)
Running this game to ground
Can't find anyone else around
Unprecedented popularity
Leads to fires eventually
(The place is burning down potentially)
Pay scale is pretty poor
Can't handle it anymore
This IT is the tiny stuff
But I ain't tough
Can I move on I’m not good enough
Data's down
Internal 500's out the door
Backend devs to save the day
But the debugger's fucked
The stack goes away
BIND don't work
Bad sector found
Can't find the address
We're just going
Round and round
Through the town
Every dev's got a workaround
But there's no fix they can devise
Replace the hard drives
Backup's been borked
There's no time anymore, guys!
i dont effin' know
computer silly chip sauce