One Hour Compo - Round 798 (OHC798)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (14)
I don't know what the themes are, but someone suggested twins, and i saw the connection, so i'm rolling with it.
In spirit of the weird theme, i went for a light-hearted track that takes the concept of doppelganger to a whole new level lol. I took an 8 bar funky sequence and made that the basis of my track. It's very swung, has a lot of blues notes, and is just a very fun sequence that is turned into a super fun and high energy dance track. Whole thing is 135bpm so essentially house tempo. For 6 minutes there isn't really a major section change, it's just that with other stuff added throughout, minus the breakdown in the middle. Is it repetitive? Kinda. Is it perhaps brickwalled? A bit. Can you argue it's a ton of fun? I think it is, but i'm not the judge in this situation, you are. End of the day, it's not a complete troll entry, but it is a little bit humorous. Whatever, you love it, or cannot stand it, at least i got something in huh? Have fun!
Sometimes it doesn't play quite right.
tell me how it got this way
everyone i make's the same
every one i draw in three-quarters
borders on the same face
try to sketch a variant
try to sketch a different head
try'na draw an oc that don't look like me
but what the heck
they all look like me
serving (meow) like me
they all look like me
serving (meow) like me
everybody that i try to draw has the same face
Weird time signature, weird key, and I keyjazzed the lead in a single take, with only a slight cleanup of notes.
Glitch in the matrix? No, your mind is no longer comprehending reality.
Rarity pony shit
idk here's some ambient I guess
look it's strawberries in the thatch. you could put cream on it and have a wonderful treat walking on the path to salvation. says the old man after he played brutal death metal.
I'm pretty I haven't visited that place before. I'm pretty sure I haven't said those words before. Are you mistaking me with someone else?
I'm so sleepy
How do I make it through my day?
Seeing double
Seeing multiple things along the way
I wish I never
It's a single crisis day by day
This time I really, really wanted to
Make it to you
There was no way for it to go
The way I wanted it to
Too of this
Too much of that
I can't just give it up
There's just too much that's going on
There's just too much that I see in my mind
Everything is rushing to me two-by-two
All these plans I've given up
Erase each day one hour by hour
Do I see past the twin in the mirror
Could I make it to you?