One Hour Compo - Round 764 (OHC764)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (13)
sortes qui facit.
no vsts. entirely sample manipulation from the di-why modular pedal hardware synth.
"This is where the Satanists come to worship the dead. They perform rituals to send messages to ghosts. They call it the church of the macabre"
This track might have a bit of disjointed parts, but that might be a personal thing for some. You see when i compo, i'm trying to come up with different sections, and sometimes that might involve a weird key change or some other leftfield section. It's just how the compo cycle works lol.
This track is a Creepy DnB number with a light but spacious beat, and a augmented melody and progression using mostly organ and string sounds topped with some atmospheric bell and choir sounds. It sounds both funky, and fearful. Maybe a bit too light for the theme, but i had a melody that i didn't want to get rid off, because it was too good. That and i don't have a lot of time as is, so you make do with what you have. The middle involves a breakdown in a lower octave and a slower tempo, basically half-time for a change of pace. Whatever you think of it, it was a fun DnB type piece, that i enjoyed working on. Have fun!
Piano only.Peaceful but not "silent".
live on hardware, live sung, live mixing, no software, etc etc.
Under night
The moon rises
At this time
The gates shall open
Do you see?
The dreaded history
Open your mind
And let us in
Gate To Hell
Your Fear
Playing with my organ
funny story: I got a door slammed into me today so now I have a gash on my forehead,
Rest in peace our ears
I was relieving stress with this one. My current energy in song form.
A little on the dreary side but someone on the reviews said the sunrise is nice