One Hour Compo - Round 763 (OHC763)
Tonight's theme is "Photo Collage." What is a photo collage? What does it represent? Does it bring joy, or invoke memories of a more difficult time? Are these your photos, and your memories? Why are they grouped together? What kind of reaction does your photo collage bring?
Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (21)
Peacefully flipping through different musical snapshots. Each moment blurring into the next.
I don't know what you want me to do
Other than find the pictures that took us to a different time
The photo album is a chronicle of pain
Every picture stained, but I won't refrain
Torn edges, a glimpse of the past
The haunting shadows will forever last
Torn edges, a glimpse of the past
The haunting shadows will forever last
In the depths of my shattered past
Lies a world that just won't fade
A worn-out photo album,
memories of the life that I've betrayed
The photo album is a chronicle of pain
Every picture stained, but I won't refrain
Torn edges, a glimpse of the past
The haunting shadows will forever last
Torn edges, a glimpse of the past
The haunting shadows will forever last
composed with fragments of previous OHC tracks
i never should've fallen
for a girl like you
'cuz you treat me so bad
but you're the best that i had
so that much is fair
i never should've fallen
for a girl like you
yeah we won't last forever
but we look good together
should we even care?
the way you drape over my arm at night
and the way that our cheekbones they catch the light
we're a picture perfect pair
but the love isn't there
How many people have you witnessed?
How many people have you known?
How many stories have you witnessed?
How many people know your name?
How many stories have you witnessed?
How many people know your name?
How many stories have you witnessed?
How many? How many?
I know it seems a bit dumb to have a track of nothing but drums, but my initial ideas weren't working. I was trying too hard to sound "Exotic" because i wanted to make a medley of traditional music from different countries fused in a electronic style, but for some reason it just fell apart. Even something as simple as a melody wasn't really possible, because again i was trying to match each country to each instrument, so i would give the feeling we are travelling on holiday around the world taking photos in each destination kind of thing. Because i already wasted 30 minutes, i eventually said, you know what? I'll just keep it simple.
The theme is Photo Collage, and collage is a collection of resources formed into one whole. So in this case, i'm building Lego pieces out of drum sounds and live recording into audacity to create one whole. It took a total of 8 takes before i was eventually happy. There is a vocal sample in there to break the ice. Is it the most creative piece? Probably not. Do i feel like i've used my time wisely? I like the idea, but i don't know how people might react, this one was making me stumped. Is this illegal? No because music is subjective, i created a piece of music, and it does involve a creative process. It's the same as John Cage's 4:33. Is it music or art? Also bare in mind it took at least 20 minutes to make the sounds, let alone record the performance.
Whatever, what's done is done, it was something different, maybe too experimental, hope you enjoy!
Tune into the cassette player of my mental soundtrack! The source made me nostalgic of my early compos, and I tried something very experimental, trying to replicate the experience of hearing parts of my old compositions behind a gentle tune. Trying to replicate a mental lounge of my memories playing on a distant radio. Since this is a first, the mixing on both the new melody and the audio clips is sophomoric at best, but hope it's just not-cacophonous enough for the concept to be appreciated!
Just some instruments I enjoy together
This is my first time to join the OHC.
I think I should try something I never try.
So I try to make a electronic music.that I never made it before.
I meet many unexpected problems when I make it .So that caused this strange song .But actually my life is full of the uncertain thing too.Like this "accidently" vacation that let me have some free time to overcome the influence of the time difference to join OHC.
thanks you and your articles.
That let me understand chiptune.And help me deal with the "heavy" reverb of piano.
And your 3xOsc presets is so nice that can let make chiptune esaier.Thank you so much.
a life in photographs
These prints have got to be done by now...
I've been listening to a lot of Celtic music lately, especially bagpipes and such. This is my first attempt to actually replicate some of that style, and I'm not terribly revolted by the product.
I have the photos, let the game begin.
(besides that goofy ah description and title. this was heavily inspired by the saw ost)
Live with hardware, only software FX was Ozone
Take a moment
Grab the daylight
See the smile
Time. Dance
Keepsakes (They seek this memory)
Promise (Hold that gentle feeling)
It’s these moments that you’ll look back on
It’s these times that you’ll dream of again
The happy faces, the novel sights
Take in all the glorious times and live
I tried to adapt this old OHC (OHC760) into a live performance and I will probably sing it live on Sunday, except that I really could have used another week of practice.
Software limiter but no other software
It’s been a time away from home
Sunlight’s but a speck in me
Watch the message queue alone
There’s one dark road ahead of me
. . To the rising edge, I drive
As I wish for a voice that’s live
(I should have asked for you)
. . It’s a faraway world I’m at
But maybe it’s for the best
There’s a wish, and reality alive
Drenched in darkness where I run
But my mistakes keep following
Only dreams are in my head
If I turn back am I free?
Happy afternoons, exciting worlds and hapless dudes
Miss you <3