One Hour Compo - Round 683 (OHC683)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (18)
My computer was slow, it wasn't me.
We thought we had enough time to build our future, but destiny came too soon, and now it's game over for our kind.
Actually looked up dyson spheres for this one. The notion of encompassing a titanic stellar object to harness it's power is mind boggling. More relevantly, I recycled some notions from an older OHC which pictured hands holding cosmic stuff. Slowed down to about half speed, the stellar force is caged and sullen.
so much automation..... I also had to remake that first piano melody in the last 5 minutes cuz I wrote over it by accident so I'm sweating
Iron Ore Iron Ore
Harness the Power of the Sun
There is Nothing Left
Iron Ore Iron Ore
Harness the Power of the Sun
No offense lol, but the images are super low quality. It's like they were exported from MS Paint haha.
No but seriously, these photos are spaced themed, which was good, because i did fancy doing space music. It's very open ended, with lots of cool fragments, so i made sure to emphasize that in the music. That's why this track is both airy, and atmospheric, but also light and sparse, for that perfect contrast. I also wanted to add some movement, and so i feel DnB was the perfect genre to blend it in. I really like this one a lot, it's a very well produced idea. Hope you do too!
Let me see inside your view
Am I a quarter back
does my body lack
if society thinks that im on crack
let me step inside your shoes
full prom queen
platinum blonde dream
but shes got more than 2 cents
to say
before the sun shines out its rays
of the final light before better days
can i still see the starsĀ
through the bitter glowing haze
the steely grip shuts us away
to give our children one more day
but those distant lights still call my name
the worlds apart that we erased
In union, our hopes and dreams collide
In parting, our legend's paths break free.
Our wishes, round and round they make
Drifting aimless, in the heat of the sun they bake.
Our minds, crossing worlds apart
Emotions, fully intertwined,
Joined, as dreams were ought to be
Together, as two worlds collide.
You wanted more than I could give
My light, my heat, my energy
All of my thoughts went to you
I thought together we were strong
Inspiration from you and power for me
But instead you stole me
Wrapped in a sphere of steel
This is one of my worst submissions ever sorry
Something kinda ambient. Messing around with filters is a lot of fun.
All my usual equipment is unavailable, so I used a buncha Megaman X soundfonts to create this!
Took a million years just to build a sphere
That could harness the power of our dear old sun
But within an instant, shattered into pieces
All that's left is ensure the survivors can run
Take a pod and flee for eternity
Go in vain that one might find a new home in time
Though what chance is there, with the space out there?
It could take near forever to find the next star
Yes it seems somewhat futile
Light gone in this dimming future
Fracturing the looming structure
Nothing to sphere, in this culture
Afters eons go by, building ever so high
Even then never quite making up what was lost
It will not compare, to what once was out there
But those who could remember have all long passed on
Round and round it did spin, where did it all begin?
Supermassive, the resources baffle the mind
But it cracked like an egg, so the question it begs
Why would one try to recreate such a big flop?