One Hour Compo - Round 682 (OHC682)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (15)
A dangerous activity might not be something to encourage, unless you want to some day find yourself dangling in front of the abyss, with only a single hand to help you.
For you. For us. For everyone.
Unlock the full potential of your business. Discover the beauty at the top of your mountain. At [COMPANY NAME], we can show you the way.
[COMPANY NAME] -- Reach new heights.
decided to be accapella today
there's a you-shaped piece
of baggage i carry
and it still weighs
on my heart heavily
they said i did the best i could
is it the best
when you are gone for good?
please tell me if i should
let go
toss it off a cliff
with the rest of it
let go
down into the rubble
with the rest of my troubles
wringing my hands
won't bring you back
so let me know
know if i can
let go
Barely 2:20, and I even forgot to do drums. Heh. A little orch-rock piece about working together and reaching higher as one. Or something like that.
I'm falling
I'm reaching
Won't you reach out for me (over and over)
Through the roughest of times, you are here
Hand in hand, we have nothing to fear
Seen it all, undergone all the years
Never distant, companions are near
If it happens, a perilous step
Toward the chasm, in need of some help
In that second, dependent on me
To take you up by the arm
'Cuz sometimes you slip, and lose your footing
What you had thought was solid is crumbling
Losing your balance is not the ending
When the moment comes, you can rely on me
If you're in free fall, I'll hasten your plunge
As all the air rushes out of your lungs
Never worry, with me you are safe
For the rest of your days
Clouded eyes keeps us apart
Old memories, revived
Wounds may heal
But not when the knife comes out again
And cuts me deep
Time stands still, blue skies above
Hands gripping the rocky maze
I'm always following behind
In the shadow, cleaning up your mistakes
Swallowing the dust asider
When I fall down
Reach out
Cry your name
When I lose it
Refuse it
Need your strength
Why do you always reach for me?
Why don't you just set me free?