One Hour Compo - Round 680 (OHC680)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (23)
it's okay to lose yourself in the past sometimes.
Recently cleaned out all my old VSTs and samples, updated my project template, and got some new (free) instruments and effects to play around with! I'm really liking some of these new sounds =) I didn't use any sampled loops for this one!
You enter the realm of possibilities, of infinite wisdom and knowledge. The guide assists you in your shopping needs, as you fill with wonder.
How many scholars read
your works
File me away
How many eyes have read
yours words
Knowledge from another time
How many times ive asked to read between the lines
he flipped through my pages
my bindings come undone
my bindings come undone
Let us on our way
What mechanist created these tomes
They tell of an unsuspecting journeyman
Trapped inside
As pages turn and show us these tales
Our hands become frail against the parchment
We're pulled through time
Let us on our way
Turn these pages turn these pages turn until these pages
Turn these pages turn again
ancient knowledge was probably forgotten for a reason
Doing research
enjoy my song
neato book palace
These old artifacts, they represent knowledge?
Yes. Knowledge.
They said that knowledge was power, those who wrote these.
Then what are these, black... things?
The Motorola 68030. Now, that's where true power lies.
It was said that one child... one of the monkey machine... learned his great powers on this... machine.
But now you see what's happened, when one such as him wields great power...
Pages turned the tide once upon a time
But knowledge came at a larger costr
The data stored in metal within
Paper once stored most precious thoughts
But silicon brought to life within
Eternal noise for all to hear again!
The rumbles brought upon the world
Cannot escape the traps of time
A book never could reveal
The darkness of these voices of mine
All frequencies are the same
Spectral lights my electric mind
Pink noise and power is the way
Leaning to love this sound of mine
Dusty books on the shelf
I need to read myself
Ancient wisdom before me
Crack open the pages
Learn about the wages
Wrath is fit for me
Timeless knowledge
No one loves to admit it
We dont got figured out
But the Prophets
here's to all of the classics
and everything in that demographic
first editions, flaky spines
thoughts run together in wavy lines
but still it's so tragic
to see them stripped of all of the magic
raw emotion in its prime
gone to humidity and time
Happy Halloween! The audio samples are from the final boss of Kirby: Canvas Curse for the DS.
I'd thought i do something different today, by covering the Prelude's and Fugue's from Shostakovich. This is the first one in C major, and this is the Prelude. It was either this, or struggle to make a track for 50 minutes. Honestly it kind of works. Hope you enjoy. Each one was essentially electrified in my style.
I'd thought i do something different today, by covering the Prelude's and Fugue's from Shostakovich. This is the first one in C major, and this is the Fugue. It was either this, or struggle to make a track for 50 minutes. Honestly it kind of works. Hope you enjoy. Each one was essentially electrified in my style.
In the ancient tomes, there lies
Something waiting for your eyes
Heavy secrets, categorized and indexed right the taking
With the text, the words will shine
Knowledge spreading to your mind
What was known is now redefined, with these, the uncovered chapters
Kick the layers off, the dust
Many topics are discussed
Doors are open now that were shut, and in comes fountains of info
The piles of books are worth a look
enlightenment waiting inside is your hook
So crack a spine, in this gold mine
Delectable facts and so much more to find
Flipping front to back again
Learning never has an end
At the bottom line, there's a trail that leads right on to the next one
Why would anyone just stop
When you're reaching for the top
At the peak of knowing it all, the cup is full, overflowing