One Hour Compo - Round 679 (OHC679)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (19)
dissonance PogU
You never quite know what you'll find in the trees.
(mini-keane cover, because i forgot to write lyrics ._.;;;;;;;)
Layering and effects for one big vocally mess
spooky marsh music
Fog Drowning All In Mist
Covered in Miasma
Darkness rest
Haze leaving but no trace
Veils across our souls
It's our mask anew
At which time again
Can we see the light
Through each other's stars
Through each other's eyes
Is it time
To understand our light
That each one holds?
We want to share!
Deep Water has us in dark
Forest husks drain us dry
Suppressive mists cloud our fear
The moonlight's madness isn't real
Deep Water drowned us in black
Lifeless branches bleed our limbs
Mystic fog smother our frame
The moonlight's rising, noir and grim
"Come on man, just a few more steps to go, i hear there's a really colourful lake above them trees over there. I know it's a bit misty tonight, not exactly the perfect weather, but this lake is going to be worth it. Some say it's the most beautiful lake ever imagined. Come on, keep up, i don't want to loose you now. Come on, you there? Hello, Mike? Mike? Your not hiding from me now are you? Mike? MIKE!? This isn't funny any more, MIKE!!???? Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
All silly descriptions aside, this track is made up of heavy soundscape ideas, to match the images essentially. There's not really any other musical genre for me, that best fits the images, than spooky soundscape music, i just can't see it. Most of it, is soundscape patches, modified, as well as the occasional hit. This kind of music needs to be 10 minutes, however rules are rules, All i can say is, enjoy the spookiness.
This doesn't sound like anything I normally compose. I wanted to try an ambient, atmospheric piece. I intended to have it escalate and bring in more melody, but nothing seemed to fit. Thus, I opted to keep it fairly monotonous and stagnate, like fog-shrouded marsh.
My attempt at pure atmosphere, ambience, and mood. At least for a little while.
Under darkening skies lies a curse
Fog rolls over the scene, nothing worse
All those moments of failure, absorbed
Manifest in a horror unfurling
In a matter of fact, it's alive
In the darkest of swamps, it survives
Can't believe it, a specter within
Give a second of doubt, what you witnessed
From the corners of your mind, regrets take a form
and then it will storm, going right down to your home
When setbacks animate, you've met a new fate
New steps it will take, right before your face
An illusion, it must be this night
Simply shadows, a trick of the light
Couldn't be what you thought it could be
All the bad dreams your head just set free and
This is the last test, traveler. No one has ever managed to walk beyond this marsh. Consider yourself warned, and consider yourself doomed.
You are without a soul in this body try again later
i know the opening doesn't sound right, just listened to it once, my bad