One Hour Compo - Round 670 (OHC670)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (17)
Trying to work on accentuating my chords a bit more.
liked the sound of a patch and went with it. would have liked to have made something more melancholy.
Good tea. Rough house.
Memories in this cabin
Neglected family estate
lost to time
Returned to the wood
There is nothing for you here
These walls turn to moss and mold
As it returns to the woods
So will you when youre cold
These walls and windows we loved, the paint was your favorite color. An abode, a dream, a cherished hope, now left to quietly rot and repose.
Some more quiet stuff this week, more strings and woodwinds.
Bunch of crazy life stuff happened here
As a young poor boy
Was no room to hide
Shared a room with three brothers
Who saw my every move
Couldn't think in silence
Couldn't muse in pereace
My fears, my thoughts, my love, desires
All on full display
Looking for a place to hide
Finding a place for my mind to reside
Dilapidated, distraught
My mind remains an open book
Is it too much for privacy?
There's no home left for me.
that run down house, care if I go in alone, i won't mind if you
sit by the trees
there it goes, by the door, I ignore, and I dare you, I dare you, I dare you to come follow me
take us there I won't mind
where the summer wind's colder
take me there I won't mind
getting looks from stranger people
I could have gone the CotMM ambient route, however i choose not to, because A, i would need it to be almost musically accurate, (Such as recordings of footsteps, leaves breaking, creaky doors etc.) and i need to YouTube the samples, and B i wouldn't know the exact vibe causing me to restart the project over and over.
Instead i settled for this, a varied number consisting of very extreme contrasts. Beautiful, kind of haunting ambience mixed in with insanely fast and overdriven beats. Gabber basically. Something i don't think i've actually done in a while, and i thought would be a different approach. I don't always make what, you would expect from me, it's like a element of surprise. On top of the beats, is bass heavy and acid heavy synths, just for movement. I like this one.
Note: This is the last composition i will make before i go away on vacation for just under 2 weeks. So this means my next couple of tracks (If i manage to submit), will be made of GarageBand. I don't think anyone cares, but it might impact the quality of my tracks. Just saying.
Also note: A Free Party is a kind of illegal rave, that people attend to, usually hosted in abandoned buildings such as the one in the images. They usually have the makings of a rave, but in smaller quantities, and of course done unlicensed and illegally, as a result of this, Free Parties never stay in one place, often as a result of avoiding getting caught. Just adding this in, if you don't know, especially since i think my music kind of reflects that. I'm not advocating for any of this by the way, it's all on your own accord.
Man a lot of text this week, unusual for me, to type this much.