One Hour Compo - Round 669 (OHC669)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (20)
It gleams in the light like a disco ball
I'm trying to work on some new styles!
There's only one thing in my heart now. Being free. Set me free.
can't see him
Update: Just for those who are wondering i'm fine now, i feel better. I believe my symptoms was a result of my 2nd vaccine, hence why my body couldn't handle last week's compo. It made me achy and fluey as a result. Hope you guys are doing fine! I feel great personally.
Finished early for once lol. Then again i had a pretty big idea, that i wanted to explore, so....
It's mainly heavy reverbed synth sections for the ultimate ambience, followed by simple breakbeats, funky basslines and a lot of different parts each with a similar idea. It's very developed, and yes i had fun with this one. Also it's under 6, don't panic. Hope you enjoy!
Watched a bunch of Silent Hill analysis videos this week.
A life encapsulated, surrounded by these bars
I dream of touching the sky, as I sit passing hours
The moment comes to happen, I'm taken by surprise
A door is open freely, it beckons me to rise
I can spread my wings and fly into the air
I can go anywhere, and soar without a care
I know that life can be so free when uninhibited
With skies unlimited, and just the whim of it
The light that shines upon me, I never felt before
Then I look down and I see, the ever distant floor
Could I go even higher? I fly up even still
The cage is long behind me, my hopes are now fulfilled
I would have liked for this to be kind of like, a Disney song or something but I didn't really have the harmony down so this kind of failed and a bunch of the notes are wrong anyway all over the place, and then I found out that I had also overwritten a bunch of my comps by accident when I was fixing some parts of the arrangement, so I had to try to re-record a verse when time was basically already over but then the voice was out of tune and I tried to also adjust the strings as well and I didn't listen to it so this is just a mess all around and I'm sorry about this one. The drums also don't really fit either and the bass was off so I deleted it. Ooops.
Looking for a world
Beyond that I can see
Searching for a way
To be what I can be
Find my way to fly
Escape this closed-up room
Live the dream I try
And make the world my sky!
Spread my wings
Into a world that's free
Take fight in ways That I've never thought I'd take
Upon the winds of mystery
In the air
In a world where I am free
Beyond my cage Where I'd never thought I'd be
Release me on rthe winds of mystery
(to the chorus) Why did you lock me away and throw away the key?
The guy thinks he can write lyrics. Heh. More symphonic rock or whatever it is. I had this melody idea a while go, finally got to use it.
GO -->>>
Started off going for slow and morose, then got distracted and changed the instrumentation halfway through. That happens sometimes.
Getting better at using FL Studio. This might make it into a videogame I'm currently working on.
iron wires surrounds you
your vision looks beyond
you see whats there that you cannot grasp
doesnt bother you since thats all you know
this cage is future
this cage is your past
Press your head into the bars
bend the metal, break free
Put in the effort to get out
Get out get out break free
Ran out of ideas midway, like the loop though!
i accidentally rendered only half the song ::::::::::::::::