One Hour Compo - Round 92 (OHC092)
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST.
***From 6 PST to 7 PST, you are to be working on your song. At the end of the hour, YOU MUST STOP WORKING ON YOUR SONG. :00-:10 are for rendering your song out, and the last 10 minutes between :10 and :20 are for uploading. YOU SHOULD NOT BE WORKING ON YOUR SONG ONCE THE HOUR IS COMPLETE. We have too many entries to wait for late

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Start: on 7/8/10
Deadline: on 7/8/10
Voting: on 7/15/10
Entries (24)
Everyone has to do its best, it's a surprise attack invasion on the ancient fortress. No one was expecting the enemy to show up so early so now it's time to defend the castle :)
Dark troops marching in in order to massacre the poor poor guys *mwhahaha* :D
Mine's more like an alien anthem if it were written by Toy-Box and required to be chanted during a cinematographic cut through of the destruction of the planet done Ken Burns style.
what? o_o;
what? o_o;
Trolls have breached the line!!!! FALL BACK!!!
In the darkest region of earth, an evil foe gathers his forces and prepares to take over the world!!!
Who could it be...?
Who could it be...?
Were being invaded...
By space! o.O
By space! o.O
For my 100th thasauce-hosted compo, I decided to use the same set of instruments as my first entry. Invasion of noobish samples?
The way to defend your lands lies in your hands.
From space.
You know how JH always says "Compo Imminent" when a compo is about to happen? Well this is an invasion that is approaching and people are very scared for what is ahead.
Made this with my bass guitar.
As you are getting suited up...marching towards "Hell" begin to see something in the distance. Because it's so far can't tell what it scares you. It gets closer and suddenly before you know it...the battle is over.
title says enough
Stupid FL as plugin with its count-in that you can't turn off!
This is in 6/4 WHY!
The reverb preset on the vocals is called Room Imprisoned. I Lol'ed.
This is in 6/4 WHY!
The reverb preset on the vocals is called Room Imprisoned. I Lol'ed.
First you must get inside, then you must not get noticed. Funk is optional but encouraged.
this is why I usually don't do anything ambitious for OHC D:
No voting
Kax screws around with delay, yay
Kax screws around with delay, yay
it's supposed to be funny. invaded by birds.
this is freestyle on ninjam with a drummer named hand33. i'm a weirdo. lol
this is freestyle on ninjam with a drummer named hand33. i'm a weirdo. lol
Description Here
Scary stuff.
oh my god... they are coming.... black wings in the sky everywhere... sirens call for death or salvation....
Skynet took over.
We're all fucked.
Done in 35 minutes cuz I'm cool.
We're all fucked.
Done in 35 minutes cuz I'm cool.