One Hour Compo - Round 74 (OHC074)
How far would you go to find the rarest element of them all? An earthen item buried so far beneath the world that no sane human would accept the task. But this element could save us all...
Picture included
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Start: on 3/4/10
Deadline: on 3/4/10
Voting: on 3/11/10
Entries (20)
The ancient dragon that has long been slain by the heroes of our ancestors has been buried deep inside the fire caverns. At first sight, the caverns are a beautiful arrangement of bright colorful crystals, but deep inside the mountain, the heart of the dragon's evil still lives brightly, causing the inside to be molten and nearly uninhabitable.
i choose the treasure troves
the place where no one goes below
and bring up from the earth,
it's never kissed the sky before.
the place where no one goes below
and bring up from the earth,
it's never kissed the sky before.
Come on in and tell me how you're doing.
We're all so glad to meet you.
Let us make you comfortable. Everyone's here to please you.
You're the only girl at the fourty-man gang-band, and we're all so excited to meet you.
We've been saving up for you.
And you're gonna get a special treat.
We think you'll think it's neat.
Cause you're the rarist of elements.
Girl, you are heaven sent.
You fulfil our adolescent fantasy compliments of being, heaven sent.
Girl, you get really bent over and over and over with many gents.
Let me get you something to drink now. And I really hope you dig it.
Everyone is eager to get with you. Everyone's gonna frig it,
you midget.
You're the only girl at the fourty-man gang-band, and we're all so excited to meet you.
Everyone line up!
We are about to give you.
Deep-seeded man issues.
We're all so glad to meet you.
Let us make you comfortable. Everyone's here to please you.
You're the only girl at the fourty-man gang-band, and we're all so excited to meet you.
We've been saving up for you.
And you're gonna get a special treat.
We think you'll think it's neat.
Cause you're the rarist of elements.
Girl, you are heaven sent.
You fulfil our adolescent fantasy compliments of being, heaven sent.
Girl, you get really bent over and over and over with many gents.
Let me get you something to drink now. And I really hope you dig it.
Everyone is eager to get with you. Everyone's gonna frig it,
you midget.
You're the only girl at the fourty-man gang-band, and we're all so excited to meet you.
Everyone line up!
We are about to give you.
Deep-seeded man issues.
You got the last Rare Element and beat the game!
Inspired in part by PixelJunk Shooter.
Inspired in part by PixelJunk Shooter.
Searching for the most rarest element in the galaxy! Blast off, commander! Engage! Make it so!
This is strange music.
This is strange music.
Somewhere deep down...
...Stevo isn't playing a guitar this round...
somewhere deep down...
...there's something hidden.
..........find it.................
...Stevo isn't playing a guitar this round...
somewhere deep down...
...there's something hidden.
..........find it.................
Uh some stuff I did at like 9:50. Mostly improv-ish.
Its as deep as my feelings for apathy.
The lava heats up, the darkness envelops. Don't let it get away, the Demon is here.
FL crashed about 45 minutes into writing. I had a save from about 30 minutes in but its just a bunch of riffs and ideas without any rhyme or reason :(
Ill post anyway its gonna be great when I finish it.
Ill post anyway its gonna be great when I finish it.
I'm a little busy, hopefully I'll be back next week
I immediately came to think about the game Lemmings and made something that would fit to that.
See taht treasure? LET'S GO!
They said it couldn't be done...
Yay! My first compo entry! :3
When I saw the pictures my mind immediately went to the dreary yet soothing gregorian like hum of "Mining Melancholy" so I decided to use that section of the song as my main theme with a very airy, mysterious feeling. Hope you like it :D
When I saw the pictures my mind immediately went to the dreary yet soothing gregorian like hum of "Mining Melancholy" so I decided to use that section of the song as my main theme with a very airy, mysterious feeling. Hope you like it :D
I wrote this song wearing absolutely no clothing, and I did it in less than 20 minutes, hence the extremely short length. That's what she said. But, at least I did something. I'm determined to keep this up. Ich liebe die Compo!
Imagine walking into a far away land, and suddenly greeted by the sight of a pleasant but unknown jungle filled with strange minerals of the rarest kind.
First thing I did was to make a one bar bass line using the 3x Osc. I sat there thinking, well what can I do to expand upon this... I KNOW! Twelve Bar Blues Pattern! (Basically four bars of the one chord, two of the four, two of the one, one bar of the five chord, one bar of the four chord, two bars of the one chord and repeat) This forms the chord progression of my entire song. Essentially it goes Dm, Dm, Dm, Dm, G, G, Dm, Dm, Am, G, Dm, Dm, repeat (m meaning minor). Then I added the chord comping by a rhodes like song. Then used the new Drumaxx to do the drums. I then added the default PoiZone wrapper to arp the chord progression as it went along. I then copy pasted twelve bars until I had about 2 1/2 minutes worth of accompaniment. I then added the PoiZone LED BandPass Brass ToTc as an instrument into the mix. I set the record function to record me improvising as the accompaniment played. I then moved everything over by four bars, put four of the bass lines in Dm at the beginning, copied the drum recording, sliced the first four bars, deleted the rest of the copy and placed that under the bass. I had to do a bit of automation recording there because the bass sounded better if I had its volume down a bit in the beginning. I have some effects on things like compression (on the drums), reverb on the melody synth (2nd PoiZone) and reverb on the drums. I had a lot of fun making this, so I hope you guys have fun listening to it.
This is a song by Muse. I just dubbed my crappy vocals on it and uploaded because I hate you.