One Hour Compo - Round 842 (OHC842)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (12)
sometimes i wonder
why beings in motion
constantly try
to move against that notion
i know i'm stuck
i'm firmly rooted here
but with every passing year
i can't help but notice
change is inevitable
like the falling of the leaves
in time the buds will open
it's the nature of us trees
change is inevitable
nothings guaranteed
we'll weather through another season
together, you and me
Cryref showed me this competition. This song paints a musical journey through the moods of the four seasons.
This one is interesting because it's an approach of Four Seasons into one track. Throughout we move through various different seasonal periods marked by various keychanges and mood changes. For the first minute or so, we are in spring, evident by the bright bells and mellow C Major key. We then modulate to B Flat Major as we tackle summer, evident by the steel drums and more syncopated feel. We then modulate again to F Major where we go through Autumn, evident by a more calmer progressive feel. And lastly to finish the seasons off, we go to G Major where tubular bells signify winter/christmas. I was originally going to finish it on this, but then i felt we needed to return home, so a quick pause comes by and were back to spring again. I like this one as a concept, it's cool, although some parts might leave a little to be desired. Either way, i hope you enjoy!
A warm and cozy Spring.
A hot but gentle Summer.
A brief and passing Fall.
A short but intense Winter.
Year after year after year.
First OHC! Since I was on break this week, I actually had time to participate. This felt far more rushed than I was expecting, but I nevertheless had a lot of fun making it. Each 8 bars represent a different season.
When I hear
I’m always there to cheer
I’m the rock on which you stand
Lifting you up
When I make my own plans that don’t go
I’m normally on my own
Sometimes everything is going down
In slow motion, all around
The body is willing but the mind is weak
The weight of the things you have to do
But in the end, you’ll make it through
You told me , “This is something you can do.”
This is something you can do
This is something I can do
this is using koekpan's chord progression from a while back. C quartel extended, Am, G major dominant 7, Gm. thanks.