One Hour Compo - Round 825 (OHC825)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (11)
Got all my music software working on a new computer and ready to get back to compo! Almost caught myself just going accoustic and organic sounding on this so decided to mix it up a little bit halfway.
an axe to the trunk
would've been enough
but we let this fester
far too long
foundations built
on shallow soil
yet we're so embroiled
tension builds
blood boils
carved into the bark
lost forever to the dark
how did this all start?
years rooted in resentment
all these generations spent
grasping for land
yet when we're faced
with all the rot
we wonder how it got
this bad
"99 Tree Stumps sitting on the floor. 99 Tree Stumps sitting on the floor. One came down, chopped it all around. 98 Tree Stumps sitting on the floor"
This is a different beat from normal (Not that i've ever done normal lol), comprising of a continuous drone and a arp that is very slowly but surely descending in tempo. The drone is playing a non stop c note, whilst the chords are more closer to an Augmented 4th (I don't know the exact chord, but it's mystical). Tree sound effects such as cutting, chopping and falling are present and dowsed in reverb for a wide swell effect, and soft pad sounds are added in the background to make it very unusually unsettling. Lastly towards the end we have a bit of a vocal sample that is also processed, but mostly to fill in the background. Extremely simple yes, but the weight is carried by the arp and the chords, which don't always swell on beat. Put it this way, i wanted to be different for a change. Enjoy!
Once so proud and, now it leans so still,
Nature’s touch has crushed its will,
Roots deep in shadowed past,
Each moment, too sweet to last
That is our inescapable end, sometimes met sooner, sometimes met later.
This really needed a few more takes, and I ran out of time to finish the arrangement part too
I recognize the forest’s breath
This trail was our ancient way
In the misty woods the secret safe with us
The trees stayed out of our way
When I saw this fallen stump
I knew what I had to say
And with you beside me I could
Say all the tender things I felt for you
Only the leaves and fallen logs
Observed what we wanted to be true
Between our secret love
And the forest’s misty day