One Hour Compo - Round 817 (OHC817)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (17)
Something familiar
i'm not feeling (well)
but i'm healing (well)
maybe i'll get there soon
don't conceal it (well)
all these feelings (well)
but i gotta make it through
last night i sat in bed
scrolling through my feed
consuming content rather mindlessly
vegged out pantless
frying my brain
watched my attention span
run down the drain
and then it hit me
the well is dry
i've been pouring from an empty cup
for months, i don't know why
go get me lassie!
get me a rope!
some way i can get out
or at least a little hope!
You met Bill down by the ol' well and traded the latest on the great turnip scandal!
I'm falling.
It's getting dark down here.
The tunnel is DEVIOUS
Unseen forces under every stone
We’re so small compared to what lives here
Though fear may linger, the flame burns on and on and on 2
Unseen treasures, in this hidden room
Secrets echo in the endless gloom
Pressure builds, a suffocating tomb
We're small in this passage, but knowledge fuels our doom.
Downward we spiral, where shadows reside
A crushing weight, with nowhere to hide
Our vessel a beacon, a light we confide
Pushing onward, with mysteries to be untied.
Unseen treasures, in this hidden room
Secrets echo in the endless gloom
Pressure builds, a suffocating tomb
We're small in this passage, but knowledge fuels our doom.
Wanted the vibes of both being in deep and swelling back up, like the precious water drawn from the earth. Poetic vibes ahooo!
6/8 verse 4/4 chorus might repurpose for album
Also known as the thud thud song, because there is plenty of thudding happening.
Aside from the intro and outro, it's straight 6 minutes of pounding stuff. BUT, it's not just me making you headache inducing beats, it's all about the ambience in this one. Wanted to continue the exploration of Ambient Gabber, but this time in the context of a drone, with weaved atmospheric sounds throughout, some samples, some synth material. Yes the beat is nonstop, but i really tried to make it weirdly atmospheric to the point where you could potentially fall asleep to this, even though i don't know if it's recommended. It's quite epic sounding, yet still has a lot of soothing elements to it.
And yes to everyone who asked. It's "Mostly Ambient".
I wanted to make something fun that sounded like it came from a club in fairytale forest. I hope you all enjoy!
Do you really want to know how I've been?
Do you really want to know how I am?
I think you're asking out of courtesy
And my answer won't be of significance to you
Well, I've been well
I have conquered my fears
I've been well
I no longer hear the voices
telling me I've failed
Do you really think I know what you want?
Do you really think I am what you want?
I know spitefulness is not in your heart
And my answer will be satisfactory to you
Well, I've been well
I have conquered my fears
I've been well
I no longer hear the voices
telling me it's the end
Well, I've been well
No more my face has tears
I've been well
You should know my dear
That I'm willing to go on