One Hour Compo - Round 803 (OHC803)
Your position at the edge of the cliff symbolizes taking a plunge into the unknown. You must trust in yourself and your instincts, even if the path ahead is intangible, incapable of being proven. Will you trust your intuition?
Tonight's theme is "Leap of Faith." Please see the pictures attached for more inspiration.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
sometimes in ohc
you got a concept that sounds really neat
like 80s rock for this theme seems to gel
but then you get caught up in preset hell
make a decision
just write that line down
trust the process
just get a song out
no one cares if your song is jank
just take a leap of faith
you might think that it sounds bad now
but we think it sounds great
You've been thinking about it for a while. You've actually set everything up for this very moment. Stop doubting yourself. It's time. It's now. Go.
i like chiptune
you're falling off a cliff ahhh
and so i closed my eyes
because you told me
took my feet of the ground
because i wanted to
knew the floor was your arms
holding me endlessly tight
gravity pulls and your love kills
and so i hit the bottom
because you were not there
took my eyes off the light
knew the dark was your embrace
shielding me from my own mistakes
gravity pulls and your love kills
i am smashed
i am broken
i am never the same
i'll put myself together
strong better unashamed
you cannot break me
even when i fall
and i will not break
I almost fell into another beat-block, and had to rely on something old, until i remembered a sample of some Turkish instrument i forgot the name off, and decided well if the theme is Leap of Faith, then i need to showcase i can take risks, so i opted for something that is either the coolest thing, or the most painful and annoying, plus i don't want to be known for just doing the same thing, and well, it's nice that a compo of this size allows for freedom for experimentation as well as encouraging harder styles of noise. All in all it's....interesting. It's a Marmite track, you love it or hate it. Have fun!
I made my best leap. Gravity will do the rest.
This was composed entirely within No Man's Sky's Bytebeat system. This is also the first time in ages I have even tried to compose anything with it. But hey, I enjoyed taking the plunge =)
Looking downward, looking in
No way, I’ll stay at the top
But the light shines so bright within
I can’t dive for that secret within
Your gentle smile, a simple nod
Enough to make my heart soar
But I don’t know if I want to go.
The grail glows
Above my head
But it’s not the way
That you make me feel
What blades’ll I find
In the pit of your heart?
Do I take this plunge
Or go back to the start?
You’re so warm
behind the scenes
And so cool
On the cliff’s gleam
Close my eyes
And now I’ll dive
Into your mind
Into your heart’s pool of darkness
Closed to me
Now I’ll see
Dive to your mind
Into your heart’s pool of darkness