One Hour Compo - Round 792 (OHC792)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (12)
could not resist the calling of the semi-improvized ambient track
Open chords, noise sweeps, DnB, chip synths
time for me to end my run
and boldly go
into the unknown
time for me to meet the sun
it's time for me to go
and feel its warmth
yet a million eyes
are hoping
for a wish to make
for miracles
as my body breaks
a million hands
are clasped together
for a prayer made
and soon enough
i will dissipate
here i go
don't you know
i'll set myself on fire
just for your desires
all of this
for a wish
i'll set myself on fire
it's worth it for a smile
Made this in 30 minutes and decided to not ruin it by working on it more. Sorry for the clipping but having hardware issues.
Nobody's gonna stop me from incorporating some kind of Christmas element into my tracks. Especially for a pretty space theme like this.
The track is basically summed up as light funky breaks mixed with calming sleepy atmospheric elements. It's a free flowing ultra chill kind of piece, that makes you feel like your relaxing at night. In terms of chords, i kept it to mostly major, but added a lot of sus chords to make it less of a straight major, and more of a somewhat unique spicy feel. The melody is very light, with surprisingly a synth, that is actually mixed pretty well, usually my leads are a bit piercing, but no this was alright. In terms of the rest, aside from the funky bassline, the majority is just embellishments, different chords on different pads and synths, as well as small subtle changes. I like this one, hope you do too!
Enjoying a rare event.
hip hop beats, using groove agent 5. testing to see if it's any good. it's ok. i like da harmony.
I started on hardware didn't lik it and remade it
Sorry I'm late
Adlibbed lyrics
and then
The lights dance across the sky
Reminding me of the lovely life I fly
Stars sing to me and they grant to me the world
The world I have with you