One Hour Compo - Round 784 (OHC784)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (12)
death is certain and so are these LOW LOW PRICES on GOOD SILK
by thesocialcontract on Oct 19, 2023it's more of a vibe than a song
selling spider silk 10 dollar/kg OBO
There's no way out of this situation.
I'm on a path that has no detours.
Going in circles, reaching nowhere.
Infinite false paths are torture.
Misleading options, I'm misguided.
Remove my shoes, sew my mouth, prepare my grave.
Stop this. Release me.
Stop this. Release me from your web.
itsy bitsy spider jam, i did it as fast as possible to test the skills. C+
Ignoring how much i hate spiders, this track is a very dark experimental hardcore number, consisting of 4-5 layers of pad chords playing intense augmented 4ths. None of what you hear is tonal in the slightest, and can be described as a dissonant nightmare. The track is not complex at all, and mostly involves weaving sounds in and out, fading in and out, as well as textural changes. It's basically more emphasis on sound design than melody or chords. It's not the most accessible listen, but i was focused more on theme accuracy, and stuff like this does allow for some interesting experimentation, so not everything was just pure randomness. All in all, i hope you stomach this weird and wonderful distorted monster!
very year zero inspired
you got caught
thought you tied up your loose ends
thought that we could still be friends
for a minute i was with it
but your game's come to an end
thought that you were just my type
but you're just another fly
caught up in the web of lies
time to shrivel up and die
Spinning an invisible web
Laying out a welcome for the dead
Gather all the tricks she needs to do
Let the little treats fly home for you
She waits for you
The spirit of your tiny housemate
Drifting on the wind
The little ghost, eight legs whispering
She resents being crushed by your hand.
I can't believe what I walked right into.