One Hour Compo - Round 782 (OHC782)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (14)
I have a recurring dream where the fourth floor is always haunted. But this isn't really a song about that.
trick or treat, it's me
haven't seen you in a while
i was the bedsheet
that you cut up as a child
we had a good time, we
truly hit the motherload
two pails full of treats
then you had to hit the road
trick or treat, it's me
who will you dress as this year?
you know i still fit
in your closet i'm still here
some lacy lingerie
a pair of animal ears
have i just been replaced
by someone so dear?
ghost of costumes past
i can be sexy too
throw on some fishnets
a pair of pleasers too
ghost of costumes past
i know now sweets are not your thing
but will you wear me once again
i want my hem to feel the wind
I am back to my Dark Ambient phase, or something equivalent, in what is various textures made out of synths, white noise and drum hits. The idea is that it's cold, chilling and makes you feel very uncomfortable, like there's a strange presence behind you. By the 3 minute mark, i make it more lively with a kick drum pulse, before increasing the volume and distortion at the 5 minute mark for a really scary finish. Not for the faint of heart, but it's what the theme is all about huh? To keep it from pure texture, every so often you hear some spooky pads that bring a lil' melodic ideas to a pure textural piece. But don't get too comfy, it's just 4 notes. All in all, quite the sound design this week, hope you enjoy!
Eadd9/G B7sus4
I am not a ghost
Eadd9/G B7
I never meant to haunt your dreams
Eadd9/G B7sus4
I am not a ghost
Eadd9/G B7
I never meant to linger past my time
Gadd9 Bm7 Em
Oh my god is that the truth?
I'll fade away like rewritten history
Eadd9/G B7sus4
Maybe I'm a ghost
Eadd9/G B7
Your memories of me are not real
Eadd9/G B7sus4
Guess I am a ghost after all
Eadd9/G B7
And nobody remembers I was here
Gadd9 Bm7 Em
Oh my god is that the truth?
I'll fade away like rewritten history
F#m/B F#m/C# Dmaj7 Dadd9/E
It's time to go---- away
spirit track?
levels might be too quiet but no time for mix but hey that's OHC ;)
Didn't have a lot of time because I started late (reason for no second verse or chorus) but this song has real guitar playing on it for the first time and for the lyrics, well I was just trying to speed run edgy 90s lyrics so don't judge me
(Said 90s lyrics)
He broke the pieces
Of what he was supposed to be
He tore his guts out and
Left it all for me to see
We took what was good for you
and hid it away from me
I want you to take me
take me away
I want you to break me
break me today
I've lose my everything
Because of you I am a slave
Kill away the bad parts
Parts of me anyways
this ghost likes to repeat three chords over and over again. He's a large baby ghost. Happy Fun.
the phantoms rise again
>I love how this one turned out, besides the mixing of course haha. it was mostly improvised. mix of a few different genres. hope you enjoy!
Hello there, little boy?
Want a deal with the king?
You said my name,
“Ghost ghost became”
Now I’m here in all my fame
Don’t you think you’re lucky?
Roll your dice up with the dead
A shot of blood, like a bit of sweat,
Don’t you shake your little head!
Come with me, go haunting
Come with me and Ooooo
Make a deal with me
We’ll go terror on the mooks
Come with me, you little boy
Come with me, and Oooo
Break from life and join the strife
You could be the new reign of the spooks
Continuation of my efforts on my 2HTS track from Sunday. Not related to the theme.