One Hour Compo - Round 773 (OHC773)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (19)
you just don't know
where you think the rest of your life should go
you feel alone
in this battle that you're fighting
seems like nothing's going right
i know it's hard sometimes to go
on like there's nothing wrong at home
keep looking up
oh soon the skies will clear
keep looking up
the dawn is almost here
what's the point in fretting over yesterday
when you can focus on the now, on what's today
you're good enough
keep looking up
Tried for some low key, ambient background music. Change a pace.
Ambient thing - trying to come up with an idea for my album intro or outro. This came out sounding more like an outro to me.
trying out sounds in FL Studio's lo-fi FLEX pack
Or is it the BEG
en..........just like this
Another version for 2023
the sky metal
This song was ENTIRELY generated by AI, based on lyrics I wrote and fed the system I used. It's called Suno, and it's availiable on Discord. The memory on it is horrible so I had to reuse the starting chorus - you get 30 seconds per generation, and 20 seconds per continuation.
Lyrics will be uploaded separately onto Discord with the actual generated video I recorded from.
had to reupload it bc I messed up the desc, but I tried covering my favorite song of all time and I think it didn't turn out half bad! sadly since my french is worse than a powerwolf and nickleback song combined I couldn't record the lyrics :( School started today as well (help me)
"It took me a while getting here, but man it was worth it. Just look at that view"
Hope you like minimalism, because this is basically 4 chords on repeat, with a nonstop piano ostinato, and a slow array of pads and choirs playing free flowing notes, to amp up the atmosphere. I also included a synth solo, and another laid back solo that involved me stretching some stuff to make it loose. This was actually taken from an old project and repurposed here. The track also builds to a DnB because why not lol. My mind sometimes can be creative heh. Honestly even if it's a ostinato based piece, it's not that repetitive, because i made sure to add new stuff in each listen. Even if repetition is not your thing, i hope you get something out of it. Enjoy!
That's all.
There are lyrics, but I didn't write them down
Something like "Take To the Sky" "To the edge" man I already forget, I spent all of my time being like "what's trance music" and forgetting how to get decent sound quality out of synths