One Hour Compo - Round 771 (OHC771)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (11)
and whose dream is it really?
the house
the car
the pink garage
wish i could move more freely
but life ain't sweet
on pointed feet
i find no joy
in being your toy
for much longer
i've got the gas
i've got a plan
to sate this hunger
in waves of pink heat
mostly a session view jam, with very minor edits after live arranging it. shreddage hydra / addictive drums / eurobass 2 / archetype gojira / ample metal hellrazer + guitar rig 6 for clean guitar, damage 1 for cinematic drums,. spire for intro bass synth., ozone for mastering. also its based on a melody /progression from my 3rd and yet unleased album
Gentle as a rose petal on the wind, definitive as the heat death of the universe.
It's like my tune "Scale and Brimstone", but hot pink.
A fire is known to spread from room to room, engulfing the furniture around it. My track is known to spread from dynamic to dynamic, resulting in something super quiet turning into something super loud.
The whole track is just one giant increase in dynamics. We start with some very short decay synths, that eventually open up into a sort of textured synth. Soon we get perc loops, followed by different shades of chords and modulations, followed by more layers of chords, then 2 string pads, then drums, then more drums, then full on string section, then lead melody, then bell sounds, the acid, then more synths. It's one giant buildup basically.
Am i going too far? Perhaps, but it was a fun experiment nonetheless that i always wanted to try one compo. Really the challenge is how loud can you handle it? Hope you like this weird mess lol.
barbiehimer joke haha
this is objectively the worst thing i have ever made
Experimenting in more dancey genres in pursuit of better eurobeat, I produced this little thingy! if I hadn't ran outta time, I oughta looped this into a 5-11 minutes mix! XD
Experimental abstract atonal music
In the way
Hear the cry
As I die
Beneath the vision
I’m wishing for a way to try
What see?
In the deep hell
A single repeat
Mistakes I’ve made
Watch them
Watch them
Thermal decomposition at elevated temperature, indeed. Not my worst piece of work.