One Hour Compo - Round 768 (OHC768)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (20)
holder of kingdoms lost
an empire's worth of wealth
held within its claws
you've come to stake your claim
an empire's worth of blood
held within your name
yours for the taking
on this starless night
the dragon's waking
raise thy sword and fight
none who see my gold can live to tell the tale...
Yeah, this is my gold, and I love my gold. I like to sit on my gold every day, all day. I like to stare at my gold 24/7. There is nothing that I enjoy as much as looking at my gold and sitting on it.
Actually, I lied, the one thing I like more is not having a buttache. Gold is not great for sitting on it for that many hours.
Where do you keep what you seek
where do you hide the precious things
I am a Dragon
Wait... *sniff* That ain't no brimstone.
All the gold, all the glory, slew the bold, slew the story. Riches beneath covetous scales, another of wealth's fails. Morose new age style stuff for what was lost to the dragons.
27 instruments total. What a fun time this has been.
"Man in his dwindling mortality, turned with vain hope to the eternal dragons from the time before flame, hoping to transcend the endless cycle by taking draconic form..." --Miyazaki, probably.
Been playing Elden ring and Dark souls, and thought of the reoccuring pursuit of dragonhood and its supposed immortality. But such unnatural evolution brought only agony and regret... As the ending will articulate.
Why you hiding there?
With your treasures all alone
Why you hiding there?
Like a dragon with its gold
He's a dragon, he doesn't even participate in the local economy, what does he need all that gold for
no vocals today
No time for a proper description as time creeped up on me today. That and my bloody Synth1 decided to not co-operate so change of plans. I am so late i hope this goes in on time. No 6 minutes because of this. My 2nd idea ended up taking a while.
Consider it orchestral gabber. Thick hits with tribal drums and a gabber beat! Please enjoy this mess!