One Hour Compo - Round 739 (OHC739)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (15)
Here's a little moody soak sesh for ya
you'll find your way.
Trying out a new project template I've been working on. Mostly synths with some percussion samples.
Purgatory is a dark place. You have to suffer alone and endure the darkness until the light reveals itself, and you can exit the cave of sorrow.
Had an idea for the outro but didn't quite get there in time
Sorry, I don't have lyrics because I ad-libbed them
Part 3 on our quest to try and make a full piece of music based on the parts submitted into compo. It's like a Suite of some kind. Maybe it might work, maybe not, who knows.
More of a Dark Ambient styled piece, with a hint of soothing chords, water sound effects and a host of tubular bell like sounds. Calming, a bit unnerving and more importantly, it feels like you're in a cave. Hope you enjoy, see you for Part 4!
Breaking through the surface, forces are alerted
Unimpeded with the goal in sight
There a distant target wants to be forgotten
Can't forgive the things that came to light
Sloshing up the shoreline with the gift of foresight
Knew one day the secret path will rise
Even home advantage can be fully ravaged
Entering a foreign land and sky
The tunnel links back to the sea
An open gate leaves you open to be
Discovered, ambushed to the tee
and caught flatfooted, admitting defeat
The tunnel always links back to the sea
Armies rush on forward, running headlong toward
Those combatants who are on the shore
Making quite a battle, skirmish leaves them rattled
Not the end if they begin a war