One Hour Compo - Round 734 (OHC734)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (19)
As the minutes pass, so does the warmth lent to us by the sun. Each passing minute the skies grow a bit darker and our bodies colder. Soon, the horizon is nothing but a smooth pastel pink, until blue wins and the light disappears completely.
As I make more of these chill downtempo songs I'm beginning to realize that I have begun to form a distinct style of writing them that's a little different to what I hear elsewhere. It's still relaxing, but it has a little more motion in it. Like the ocean tide, it slowly ebbs and flows, rather than remaining at rest. There is a destination in each song, even if it takes its time with getting there.
Come, close your eyes, and let me show you to a new place.
Silky purple stretches on as far as all of existence
It's there when I'm sittin', goes when I've arisen
It's with me through and through
What have I been missin', when waters that glisten
Have made me calm, there it soothes
It's up and it's down then. The light is reboundin'
It warms me right to the heart
So down by the dock side, there's never a dark time
The sun and the other stars
Like mother nature reaching from the clouds to touch the Earth
An otherworldly force has taken hold of me
It starts just where it halts and then it comes right back again
It simply coils upon itself, and all you see
I ponder my spirit, if someone could hear it
If my soul could make a call
And if the lake bed, my essence is naked
My core is exposed to all
I remembered the DST for once! Woo!
It may or may not be loud depending on taste. It sounds ok on my end, but my perception of loudness is not the same as yours so....
This track relies on 2 chord progressions, the first being the main one, whilst the 2nd is a sort of a passing progression. Nothing changes throughout, apart from an consistent increase in dynamics, whilst new stuff is added. We start with the chords (Which is 2 pad layers, strings and a choir), and then a melody, and then arps, and then finally a beat and bassline. It's very cool in terms of structure, but it could be perceived as boring by some. All i can say is, that i used my OHC to make this, so enjoy!
Sunset falls, all is peaceful.
Performed live, one take, synths and stuff running on the looped sequencer.
On the green hills
On our violet hill
Back in the time when what we had was simple and pure
On the green hills we shared our thoughts and dreams
I thought about what could have been if I had a braver heart
I didn’t want to know the pain of us being apart
I watched the sun rise
(And then I let it set)
When you went away
A violet shade full of regret
When I think back
(about the smile on your face)
I let it get away,
I let us get away
My world is bathed in facets
Of alexandrite light.
Violet and green
My world is bathed In facets
Of alexandrite night
As the sun sets
I was the one who was truly green
I'm back! Made something cute and simple. Might use it as menu music for a game I'm working on.
Rise up stumble out
Shuffle to the pantry
Pour the Rice Krispies
Clink on the TV
What is on today?
Some people died faraway
I don’t care it doesn’t effect me
That sun comes up the same