One Hour Compo - Round 714 (OHC714)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (18)
don't get me started
it's quite a marvel
looking down down down
at that blue marble
caught myself stammer
at its silent glamour
way past the din, din, din
of earth, the clamor
and though the training was basura
still got up and put the suit on
don't know how i stayed committed
but (someway, somehow) i did it
now the hardest part has passed
i can kick back and just relax
with my non-descript light beer
(wait, did i bring a bottle opener here?)
i don't want to return
but i left my bottle opener on earth
thought i found out how to win at life
but i left the most important thing behind
I have a set of glass bottle samples that I recorded 10+ years ago so that fit right in.
Space ambience stuff. Shoutout to C.Weeks spurring me to commit to not using stringed instruments. Maybe bagpipe next week.
After a long day of space hauling, you just want to open a cold one and enjoy the view.
Live recording with modular and bass synth and vocal
Deep Blue Seas
The night wears young on me
Watch the view
What do you see in me?
Taste the brew
The only one right here
Everyone is in my view!
a meditation on small sounds becoming inescapable. becoming intoxicated and oxygen deprived at the same time.
features an undulating texture derived from tiny sources, including the highly amplified internal noise of the long tails of quiet synths, and contact microphones on a refrigerator compressor.
I guess today's internal theme was arpeggios, harmonics, and the stretching tool.
Just sitting with a drink on the moon
Don't care if its my first or my last here
Reclining, not a care coming soon
The earth can shine away while I see clear
My work is paying off for the view
Who else can say they travelled as far and
Why else would I have brought all the brew?
Chillax and snap a cap off my forehead
Heart swelling up with pride, Earth, it begins to rise
Can't get enough, bottoms up, with another bottle
Taking another swig, love makes it twice as big
As I admire the world coming out from darkness
The last, I pour it out for my loss
The ones who laid the road for my thoroughfare
A giant step for mankind I made
Impossible if not for my forebears
This project was composed on IOS GarageBand whilst TVG is on a special vacation for around a week. I can’t tell you anything in regards to that, but it does mean I’m absent, and will be using this DAW to make music with. The track is mostly a very relaxing number with a lot of hardcore drums thrown in for a bit of a cool twist. It also sadly means, I won’t be following the theme, but it is nice to share some music. Next week it’s back to normal. See you next week!
Note: I threw in a rap sample from YouTube, that sadly features a lot of swearing in. Just putting this out there if you are sensitive to that kind of stuff.
Houston the Eagle has landed
Time to crack open a cold one
Looks like the mission has ended
Soak up that icy sun
Softened light
Lunar winds arise
Simple times away from here
Come to mind
Feel the warmth of
Solar light
Hear the shifting
Of the night
The bracing colors of
The worlds unseen
Appear to dance
In the serene
The figment shadow grave
The final blight
The undefeated self defeater of minds