One Hour Compo - Round 709 (OHC709)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (22)
Somehow the images pushed me to do something laidback with a gentle pulse like this.
This is my sanctum, all my problems a thousand miles away...
Only hunger and thirst remain.
(still figuring out my mobile setup!)
burnt sienna seered into the yellow green
cutting into purple mountain majesty
i know it's shadows 'gainst the light
to me and bittersweet
but seeing through the labels
is enough for me
bet it's pretty when the sun hits right
thanks for taking me to these heights
it looks different but it's still a desert (i think)
A rainbow not in the sky, but in the land itself.
These mountains are home to giants they say are more colorful than the hills they inhabit. Only few have dared to get close enough to see for themselves.
Unlike my other Beatles covers which involved a MIDI and an acapella , this one was made entirely from scratch, using nothing but GarageBand and good hearing. I tried to be as 1:1 as I could, whilst also giving room for interpretation. I know it doesn’t follow the theme, and I know it was made outside of OHC hours, but I wanted to send something in both to say hi, and because I like challenging myself in using different DAWS. I’m currently vacating abroad, my first time in 2 years! Thanks Covid….and when I’m away, I usually make music on GarageBand in my room to pass the time. Despite its limitations (In my opinion), it’s actually good for some compositions. I like it as a way to challenge myself. Long story short, I did this, because I wanted to do this particular cover, and I figured now’s a good time as ever (As well as share good music with you all). I’ve talked way too much lol, see you next Thursday where my track will be back on FL Studio again!
These lines, boundaries of color, they run and soar across the land, never touching, never nearing.
Or, more accurately, my original idea died halfway through so I just pulled out the string ensembles. :P
Was planning to add a clip of William Shatner saying "embrace the mountain" at the end, but ran out of time. I can't imagine anything else that could possibly improve upon what I have done here.
Sorry in advance
Biggest achievement of the day was playing with tabla drum vsts and thinking of Vah Nahboris's soundtrack from Breath of the Wild.
Been sick for a while, feeling a lot better now.
FL Studio is really good at loops. Also, here's a voice sample.
Make your slow way up the hill, from the top down we go again.