One Hour Compo - Round 699 (OHC699)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
(oh boy, a compo where i get to explain my songwriting process)
it seems
i know exactly what i'm doing
as i move with purpose through
the song
but i learned if you can
do things confidently
no one will know
if you it wrong
(i meant to do that)
the point to all of this
i'm tryin' to make
is that i've no idea
what is going on
no idea what i'm gonna do
with this song
Maybe this right here... no, this doesn't work. Should I redo the whole thing? Well, this part is good, so maybe I should just fix the parts that might not work. Or maybe leave everything as it is and take another fresh look tomorrow?
Rays of light shining through the storm.
And then like with most of my other tracks, aliens start showing up halfway through.
This turned out kinda weird. Was trying for some big ol' chords with those strings I always use, then slipped in a couple synths I sorta like to capture the electricity of light bulbs, and, well, we got something. Was more looking at the stark lighting of the 2nd image than the water, shoulda added more wet reverb to justify it. And definitely should have tried making the chords all in one track first to better hear it. Eh.
In the morning
you are gone
nothing to look at
but dew
colored droplets
of the morning
On my cold porch
no one to talk to
but dew drops
dew drops
dew drops
do I see you
Wandering in dark
Lost in our way
Wondring where goes
All the bright days
What can we do?
Where do we go
Caught in dark nothing to see
We only pray
Where shall we see?
Whats is there left?
Amidst the dark theres no such path
Cant see today.
But then, we see, a light
From ashes, a hope
From the horizon strikes, a ray, our fates!
And the light
Tt shines above the darkness
And the days of shadowed moon
The torch of hope, it shines brightly
As we witness a new noon.
I went the Dark Ambient route today, based off the subject matter, the mood and the object in question. It's a rather simple track, based off stretching a lot of samples, and layering them. The goal is to make it as moody and spacious as possible, to reflect the pouring rain. The main sounds come from flickering lights, rain and the sounds of faulty bulbs. It's meant as a background like piece, than a serious listen. Even if it's a simple one, i had a lot of fun, and really like the result. Hope you enjoy!
The wonderful auto generater:
About like the day I had.