One Hour Compo - Round 695 (OHC695)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
Warm and lush. I love sound design
Have you ever heard about the temple of wisdom? Legend says it's deep within the mountains, hidden at plain sight. Travelers sometimes reach the temple, but none are ever seen again.
(whoops, guess who accidentally fixated on those stairs in the first picture)
starting at square one
i swear i'll take the stairs this time
for once in my life
i've never felt the sun
brush me at such heights before
i think it could be fun
staring at the summit
feeling my stomach plummet
i want to, but i can't give up
one step and one step more, see?
at least i've got you with me
i guess i'll see you at the top
from your ivory tower
you glare your hate
illusions of power
depraved estate
youve lost touch
youve lost touch
Short but sweet.
I'm finally in a position to start doing these again!
Trying to integrate some future funk stylings :)
This track is mainly heavy string/choir based stuff, mixed with live drums. Or at least, live with what i've got. It's more or less meant to sound epic basically.
The track takes one idea, and tries to run with it, whilst still giving new sections, as a breath of fresh air. All in all i hope you like it!
Ab - ove
The waves
They watch
From the tower
In sun
In rain
The lights
Show their power
Every day I can watch the sun set
But the vision of it fills me with such regret
Over yonder a dream unfulfilled
Have no heir to continue my line, there is nil
No descendants, no family left
The end of my family, hope is bereft
So serene, all the scenery stands
But to think that a mortal is trapped to his past
When I'm gone, who'll remember my name?
Cuz whatever I do, the result is the same
There it lies, the end of a path
Alone in a tower, it all will just pass
Through the clouds and the flying birds
A life not lived, a choice not made
As the sun smiles upon the scene
My frown won't cease, I find no peace
In the end, was no fault but my own
Is it really too late? Am I really too grown
Is there time to turn it around?
Could I change up my course? Should I go out to town?
I have much to do, and so much to see
I must leave this lonesome balcony