One Hour Compo - Round 693 (OHC693)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (17)
A journeys end
Staring from the summit
My lifes work
My guide smiles at me.
Have I peaked too soon?
Halfway to the moon?
Will I journey down
Or will I fall?
Old man, what do I do now?
Help me up
Help me down
Old man, what happens now?
You gave me a way
But now you frown.
The slow path down
My energy sapped
I stumble on my feet
My guide smiles at me.
The top is just the halfway mark
he says. You still have to go down
And from there is a new way
That is only for you.
Old man, youve shown me how
To find a way ahead
A starting crown
Old man, the journey was not the end
Your patience and your help
Were the real grace.
wanted to make a response to bjork's hyperballad
what a sight
what a view
still so new
i'm still not used to this
living here
high up with you
but every noon
after you do
whatever you do at 6am
i climb down
and fetch all the spoons
i get it
you're terrified
but know while that's true
i'm here when
you need me
but i feel it too
the clatter at dawn every morning
the bottles and car parts in flight
have you ever thought ask me
if i'm also scared of heights?
Made a orchestral inspired number using a combination of synths and strings, Very majestic, meant to provoke a beautiful sense of wonder, based on the images. It's not accurate orchestral music, i'm using what i have available, but nonetheless it's very intricate indeed. I like this one, it's different but yet still familiar to my style. Hope you enjoy!
Is she worth the risk?
You fixate upon the emptiness that is in front of you. It attracts you, it calls your name, and yet you're terribly afraid of it.
Gentle and contemplative. The primary thought is: I'm far too high for my own good.
nothing to see here
Sequel to my song "Don't (Look Down Now)"
Took so long to get where you're at
Quite a hike and climb for the chance to see it
Past the edge, a joyous vision
Just be careful, hold on, and carefully
You feel free to stare to the ground
Eyes can't handle all that there is about it
Fun to think that after the warnings
No longer keep your chin up, irrelevant
Yes, look down, yes, look down
Now's the time, observing it all, that's right
Yes, look down, yes, look down
You deserve to gaze at the light
"Don't look down" is now so passe
So outdated, and context is gone already
All you can do now is just stare
Everywhere except up, and far beyond it
So beautiful, it takes a breath
So far extends, til nothing's left
Just drink it in, so much to view
Who cares what's all up in the sky? Not you