One Hour Compo - Round 690 (OHC690)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (16)
Time is always in flux. You can measure it, you can anticipate it, but you can never control it. You're never at the helm of time. Time is an ocean, time is the ship you're in, time is also your very thoughts.
ella fitzgerald cover, in the style of zooey deschanel/joseph gordon-levitt.
sorry for the double cover, i swear i'll write something original in 2022 ;_;
tick tock
jazzy clock
It begins and ends tolling the bell
Mark the eras and eons so well
Like a river flows forward, not back
So the sun it fades down to the deepest blackĀ
Just compare it to taking a breath
Can't take one that has past or has yet to come
All we have is the here and the now
Take advantage of it
In all of time, there isn't another way
and all the clocks are right twice a day
So when you find, the hours have gone away
The ticks and tocks are all that remain
Change has come in the blink of an eye
What you thought was forever has passed you by
All the dust is what bookends your life
Cherish all that you've got
but that's okay
All the gears fit
Clicking in synch
Ticking away as your life away leaks
Watching minutes hours days
Tick tick tick your life away
Oh stop staring at faces
Earning those graces
Never know what you need
From the rhythm of the gears in the machine
This was dumb
These magic moments
Before my eyes
Step back to see
These things time gifts to me
As each new thought comes
Adds to my memory
These are what my soul stores
Stores these things forever more
There's never any doubt of the things that I can see
My mind expands to feel the strength of our soul
As I learn, as I feel, as I think, as I breathe
These moments create me, define me
I take in what time offers to me.
When time comes gifting me
I take what I can see
When time comes gifting me
I accept what's known to be
I made a track that for a while got stuck on 2 minutes, but i ended up switching things into a more darker build up, in the second part, before it smashes back into the first part. As a result of the 6 min rule, i ended up chopping of the tail resulting in an abrupt end. Not happy with that, but i only just realised after rendering, and it's the rules i need to follow.
It's mostly ambient mixed with fast techno/hardcore combined with orchestral passages, choirs, breakbeats and lead solo melodies. I like this one, although i might have gone a bit too far with the middle bit, a bit too carried away if you will lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy!