One Hour Compo - Round 688 (OHC688)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (18)
Went with foley sounds for this one. Some of these samples aren't the most pristine; apologies for any resulting ear fatigue.
One melody to rule them all.
For all you Beatles lovers out there! I settled on this, because it was the most fitting, and the most Humorous. Hope you like it!
We have here a rare glimpse of the humble beginning of a chicken club sandwich.
Just some rustic stuff in 6/4, experimenting with a melody which doesn't begin on beat one. Had some fun.
Chicken Spores
The sun shines on a new birth
Granting a new dawn!
A life, a new hope was born today
Let it emerge forth
Observe as life finds a way
Giving us all a new day!
Innocence, splitting free from the darkness
And gifting it to the world!
Nurture the ones that come before
Support those past the morn
Their radiant journeys
Wave as we welcome them
Wave when they sail away
As the waters flow
Leaving but shards behind
I envisioned a sort of guitar-focused trance piece. It didn't really come out that way, but I guess that's ok...?
"This slimy shelled fiend's armor is almost impervious to X's buster attacks. But maybe a heavy, crushing weapon could crack his defenses..." Mega Man X 9 Player's Manual, Pg. 88
Wake up
it's the morning
Crack some
eggs into the skillet
yolk's all runny
looks like it's scrambled
(Previously performed by Paul McCartney with Jimmy Fallon)
Scrambled eggs
Oh, my baby how I love your legs
Not as much as I love scrambled eggs
Oh, we should eat some scrambled eggs
Waffle fries
Oh, my darling how I love your thighs
Not as much as I love waffle fries
Oh, have you tried the waffle fries?
They are so damn good that they should be illegal
They're like regular fries but they're shaped like a waffle
Chicken wings
Oh, my baby when I hear you sing
All I think about is chicken wings
Oh, did you bring the chicken wings?
There's a place I know where I go for kick-ass wings
We could even get a side of onion rings
Scrambled eggs
Oh, my baby how I love your legs
Not as much as I love scrambled eggs
Oh, let's go get some scrambled eggs