One Hour Compo - Round 676 (OHC676)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (18)
Time stops as you own this moment. Maybe death expects you at the bottom, with a hollow smile on her face. Maybe you preparations and your wits will be enough. Every passing second you understand the inevitability of your actions, yet you do not fear, for you have anticipating this moment. There is a long way down, still. And it's ok.
Jumping without a parachute
adrenaline flows
ground rushing
I gotta find a way
See the other skydiver
Gotta take his
physics contest
get outta my way
dive dive
scream toward him
dive dive
get that silk
Runner up title: "Parachutes should really be called 'Forget-me-nots'"
pour me through a sieve
a scene in cinnamon and cream
i got one shot to espresso
oh, express the way i feel
i'm still redeyed and confused
about the way i feel 'bout you
'cuz you had made the coffee,
and i just shot the news
we fall into routines
and you don't know how much it meaned
to me the last time when you said
"there's pigeon shit on your jeans"
oh, when you shuddered down
after the virus came around
though i chug starbucks now
i miss the psl at ol' beantown
Based around a makeshift shepard tone, a relatively simple piano composition!
How do you find the time
For all that you are
How do you find the time
To be who you want to be?
When the winds are passing so fast
I can't keep up with myself
How do you find the time
I want to be more. like you.
I see everything I want to be
All the things you are to me
The skills you have, the stuff you've made
I want it too don't you know it's true?
What've you have done I like it too
Because I wish I was more like you
Unveil the mask show me the truth
Show me what it's like to be you
Saw you once over the airways
You were my dream
I wanted your life
I wanted you
Saw your life over the airways
Knew what I wanted to be
Could I dream?
Dream like you?
one take vocals were pretty mangled by a misbehaving audio interface. oh well. its a long way down.
This track encompasses 3 ideas i had. Something light and airy, something aggressive and fast and something that provokes a feeling of being airborn. While skydiving is not something i would find particularly fun, since it scares the hell out of me, it is a once in a lifetime experience that can last, so i made sure the music reflects that. Primarily DnB with heavy ambient sections, hope you like it!
i made an adlib song
didn't like it
made a another adlib song
"Making of" video: (Did this ahead of time in one hour)
I'm trying to more consistently utilize 7ths and 9ths in my chord structures, and I'm also trying to play around a little with secondary dominants in my progressions (the second chord here is a secondary dominant). This one turned out slower, and also more lush thanks to the detuned sawtooth chord synth. I don't think that's a bad thing, but I imagine that for the next track on the OST I'll probably try to hedge more towards an upbeat chiptune style.
Very disappointed in how this one came out, and it's length, but I'll probably recycle the good parts in a future project.
(Cover version of The Beatles)