One Hour Compo - Round 673 (OHC673)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (17)
Who knows what could be hidden away inside?
The road ahead leads to an uncertain destiny. You can hear it calling you, beckoning you to what likely will be your demise. But your will is stronger, and no god will write your future.
How bad can it be right? It's just you, driving along the dark scary road, getting home to your comfy house. No, don't do this to me please. Dammit, the cars broken down. I'm stranded, this ain't good. No signal, i can't contact anyone, i'm isolated. Wait a minute, i can hear faint voices! I don't think i'm alone. Somebody's there. Nobody is alone....
This track is a combination of both the eerie, the scary and the moody. I made it so it was reflective of how scary it is, being alone, while simultaneously giving it a bit of a moody atmosphere. It's very much in the realm of both rich ambient music and noise. I didn't want it to be full horror movie, because i felt pad chords and choirs might lessen the soundscape into more of a feeling. Also it just felt right when making it. All in all, really love the work in this, i'm glad i broke out of the habit of making drums. Hope you enjoy!
Do you fear the fog at night?
Do you jump at the setting sun?
Watch, for me, in the shadows!
Do you sense my icy breath?
Do you hear my cries for you?
Listen for them, I am calling
Coming with you, whereever you go
A quaint revenge for what you did to me
Haunting you, forever ago
Don't you understand what we were?
As you walk down these roads
Shrouded in mist
I'll be there with you
I'm watching your moves
As you forget the paths you took
Covered in fog
You'll remember how it was
When I lit your way
There's a bunch of bad distortion that I couldn't fix :(
Miss her
when you're not calling, i'm driven to a place
and it's already hazy
do i see my reflection
at all
when you're not busy, i'm headed to your place
and you already hate me
but i can't see through anything
at all
When we travel the road of life
There's a moment within the light
Fog has scattered our path from sight
It's becoming unclear
Can't predict what befalls us all
Past the trees that grew bare in Fall
As the future will make its call
In the months and the years
We cannot see our end
Our vision will not portend
On the horizon, thoughts can lend
To make us ponder (just as sure as all that)
When we hit a bump on the way
We can shake but not drive astray
Go direct to tomorrow's fate
Of the life we hold dear
Life conspired against me this session, but putting even a short thing in is a victory.
fog fog on the road ahead
it stupid to go as they said
wait wait on this foward pace
cant see my hand in my face
step by step I go into the mist
I dont know whats there
inch by inch I go in the doubt
I will find out wont I