One Hour Compo - Round 660 (OHC660)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (21)
long forgotten and even less understood
You never know what you'll find down there.
In the deep, there's treasures. In the deep, there's mysteries and there's adventures. In the deep, there's dangers. In the deep, you feel alive.
More mishaps of mixing with rock/metal elements! Someday, I'll get those drums right.
It's mainly a beautiful ambient track with very rich harmonies, all building up to a very powerful DnB beat. The key here is though, that it takes a while to build up, with 4 minutes of slow moving chords before the beat (While keeping the lush ambience and minimalism). I think this is pure gorgeous for me, i am super happy with what i've done. It's nice sometimes to combine the really soothing sounds with the really harsh. It's also quite minimalistic, with more looping parts, and er...also it might be a few seconds over the enforced length, but it's to make sure the sound fades out. Didn't check until afterwards, i'm sorry about that. Hope you guys aren't mad. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
This made me think of the Guardian Legend, and the sea-food platter of schmup enemies the game featured. So I aimed at getting a bullet-storm vibe worthy of an overhead schmup.
I dive deeper into the water
my air is running out
my desire for discovery
and the unknown
Render and pray
Not really sure, just tried to add arpeggio and reverb?
better than my last try??? you decide
Not that I was very good before. Hah!
In flourescent waves
The corals emit the last light
Reflected across glass caverns
Last sight of the deep
Darkness surrounds
Anglers blink their single lone light
Cascades into the dead reaches
Lost sight in the deep
Come crashing down
The horrors wait for me
No more control!
Forever lost in submarine depths
Its all crashing down
Theres no escape for you
Give me control,
Ill rule it all in submarine depths