One Hour Compo - Round 615 (OHC615)
Tonight's theme is a picture theme. Please see the resources below.
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion in #thasauce on OR our new Discord channel!

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Entries (17)
Progressively went more and more towards a Steve Roach thing. I'm all out of drums now.
your heart is full of good intentions
but you're guided on
a path to hell
to hell
your heart is and good and i am breathless
but it is way too soon
fo me t tell
to tell
focus your strength
come through
focus on me
and you
Are we the last of the past, or are we the first of the future? Even when all hope seems lost, miracles can happen, if only by sheer force of will. We must endure, in this barren land, until rain comes and we can once again blossom.
This is my song Australian. I made it with a Yamaha TG100, early 90s General MIDI synth module.
Midi export:
The struggle to exist against all odds.
There for the birth of new life
A lonely Sunflower can become a shining star
I was feeling a vibrant/summer feeling from this, so i went in that direction. Also i went for another one of my one chord things, becauseeri felt like it.
Hope you enjoy this, for 9 minutes!
a very loose remix of Sun Son Sunday by the artist Vospi. Check out the original and the Orange Mix he did of his own song on youtube, their great!
I'm constantly amazed at what I can do in an hour. I hope you enjoy this as much I I did making it!
Not a lot around, gotta be smart
It can grow from the shadows
From the cracks the crevices within
Where the water cannot flow
Though the desert is barren, it will win
There are moments of beauty
In the middle of stagnance and decay
It can sprout like a flower
Even places where weeds don't dare to stay
and the plant, it goes on, as it reaches the sun
as it goes right along, never stopping
never swaying from life, as it reaches the light
when the day turns to night, never stopping
One can pick up a lesson
Can observe the tenacity from this
Though surrounded by bleakness
Find the strength to endure and reach your bliss