One Hour Compo - Round 214 (OHC214)
***See attached pictures.***
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion in #thasauce on

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Start: on 11/15/12
Deadline: on 11/15/12
Voting: on 11/22/12
Entries (25)
English: Where Bugs Play
Among the depths of an old trailer park lies a thriving city filled with lots and lots of life. Enjoy your stay in the place where bugs play...make sure not to destroy the city in the process. They worked hard in building it, after all.
Among the depths of an old trailer park lies a thriving city filled with lots and lots of life. Enjoy your stay in the place where bugs play...make sure not to destroy the city in the process. They worked hard in building it, after all.
We are the one
the many
Welcome to the hive mind
I'm actually taking a change of pace and trying to create shorter, more focused entries instead of the 6/7 minute long sprawling layered pieces that I normally do. My hope is that I'll be able to create things that are more memorable and of higher quality. It might take me a bit to get used to, but we'll see how it goes.
the many
Welcome to the hive mind
I'm actually taking a change of pace and trying to create shorter, more focused entries instead of the 6/7 minute long sprawling layered pieces that I normally do. My hope is that I'll be able to create things that are more memorable and of higher quality. It might take me a bit to get used to, but we'll see how it goes.
'The larvae had dextral hands, even before it was aware of its existence. It was a promising little one. Its birth marked the fourteenth royal pianist's second birthday, a ripe old age for an artist ant.'
Is it a bolero? I don't know man but I totally lost track of time oh man
Is it a bolero? I don't know man but I totally lost track of time oh man
Bleah, I'm sick right now. Some kinda BUG going around or something.
With the end of your little puny bug life fast approaching, You will have to live the rest of your stupid, grimy, DIRTY BUG LIFE to its fullest.
Just remember to do the worm dance. A worm in a bug right?
Just remember to do the worm dance. A worm in a bug right?
A kind of sad song. Inspired by the life of exoskeletals in the sea. Not really bugs, but close enough.
In the first scene, the bugs and you rejoice. Bugs are friends. You are friends with bugs. Bugs are nice. It is nice to be with bugs. Nature is nice.
In a deleted scene, you accidentally step on a bug.
In the last scene, the bugs hunt down and kill all of your family.
Don't mess with bugs.
In a deleted scene, you accidentally step on a bug.
In the last scene, the bugs hunt down and kill all of your family.
Don't mess with bugs.
I started late again, because FUCK TRAFFIC that's why.
Anyhoo, bugzez and shit =3
Anyhoo, bugzez and shit =3
Bees. Motherfuckers.
They are hidden find them quick!
(last week's work, do not vote this)
Sometimes, you just have to let all those credits scroll by. Gotta credit everyone!
The theme was.. something about a movie intro.
Sometimes, you just have to let all those credits scroll by. Gotta credit everyone!
The theme was.. something about a movie intro.
Welcome to the backwoods! You'll need a ton of flydope out here. Hooter sprayed all of our equipment with the stuff, shorted out an amp, but at least the bugs are gone! I think you'll hear that we're high on the stuff.
(New Software (MAGIX Music Maker), because FL hates my updated video card drivers lol)
(New Software (MAGIX Music Maker), because FL hates my updated video card drivers lol)
Bugs go away
go go away bugs
you fucking mother fuckers
get out the way
I don't know what else to say
so now here's a bass solo
That was a bass solo inspired by bugs
Fucking mother fuckers they might as well be thugs
I try to keep them under the rug
But they seem to want to always crawl in the jugs
Bugs in the jugs
stealing all my juice
get out of my house
and go live with moose
Don't come back ever again
I don't wanna know where the hell you've been
go go away bugs
you fucking mother fuckers
get out the way
I don't know what else to say
so now here's a bass solo
That was a bass solo inspired by bugs
Fucking mother fuckers they might as well be thugs
I try to keep them under the rug
But they seem to want to always crawl in the jugs
Bugs in the jugs
stealing all my juice
get out of my house
and go live with moose
Don't come back ever again
I don't wanna know where the hell you've been
I wasn't able to really sit down and concentrate on something, so have some Nicholas Cage.
Well this is something different. I think every week I'm going to try to design one or more of my synths from scratch.
Fun times!
Fun times!
One day, Larry the Cockroach is scuttling along, having the time of his life (as cockroaches tend to do)
But then Larry made the mistake of scuttling into the Kitchen.
Needless to say, shit when down.
Spoiler Alert: he dies in the end or something
But then Larry made the mistake of scuttling into the Kitchen.
Needless to say, shit when down.
Spoiler Alert: he dies in the end or something
bugs took myy beer bugs took
ill dye of thrist i fear
burgs took my ber
ill dthrist y
im not durnk guys rlly
ill dye of thrist i fear
burgs took my ber
ill dthrist y
im not durnk guys rlly
yesterday was my birthday
this is a bit of a reply to the cake mcmiag organized.
also bugs or smth i guess
(intro = my first bugs ohc tune so there?)
this is a bit of a reply to the cake mcmiag organized.
also bugs or smth i guess
(intro = my first bugs ohc tune so there?)
Dem bugs. They colonizing all day long.
The Zerg have infiltrated the hull of the Pioneer, all units deploy. We must stop the bugs before its too late. The fate is in your hand, Hunters, stop Dark Falz.
(PS Thasauce plz make logging in easier :( )
(PS Thasauce plz make logging in easier :( )
So in this entry I used 3 New (to me) free VST's suggested by Sci DDR and Roseweave. Chimera, Element of surprise and Waterphone. I used them sparingly because I was not a fan of all three. So if you don't like my entry blame them. :p
Bugs in my mouth
Bugs in my ear
Bugs everywhere I go
Bugs in my car
Bugs in my street
Bugs everywhere I go
Bugs everywhere
conquering the world
Growing alone was so hard to do
and all these bugs were better than you
who's laughing now that the earth is done
Bugs in my mouth
Bugs in my ear
Bugs everywhere I go
Bugs in my car
Bugs in my street
Bugs everywhere I go
Bugs everywhere
conquering the world
Growing alone was so hard to do
and all these bugs were better than you
who's laughing now that the earth is done
You notice some bugs.. why don't you ignore them?