One Hour Compo - Round 196 (OHC196)
See attached materials.
You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST.

You will have 1 hour to complete your song and 10 minutes to finish it up. You will then have an additional 10 minutes to upload your song. At 6 PST/9 EST you may begin your mixing, please have your files uploaded by 7:20 PST/10:20 EST. Join us for discussion on Discord!
Start: on 7/12/12
Deadline: on 7/12/12
Voting: on 7/19/12
Entries (22)
Arise from the magma, they said. Okay. I did that. Now what?
(Composer's note: HANDCRAFTED ARPS AND PROGRESSIONS ARE GOING TO BE THE END OF ME. That being said, apologies for this incomplete tune.)
(Composer's note: HANDCRAFTED ARPS AND PROGRESSIONS ARE GOING TO BE THE END OF ME. That being said, apologies for this incomplete tune.)
Haven't had time to listen to this the whole way through so hope sibelius 7 hasn't molested it in any way.
I was trying to emulate Mandalay's vocal style. Whatevs.
Feel the fire burn within
seething rage consumes again
now we fail and now we fall
knowing we won't change at all
Feel the fire burn within
seething rage consumes again
now we fail and now we fall
knowing we won't change at all
Simmering beneath the surface, something lurks in the dark recesses of the minFUCK IT I DON'T KNOW
My first time here, ok have fun. This was really fun and I hope to join in again. I don't know how to describe mine... :D
sounds kinda like....SKWEEE....the.
so of course I made some skweee. or tried to.
it ended up being more of a "try all of my new VSTs" thing.
sounds kinda like....SKWEEE....the.
so of course I made some skweee. or tried to.
it ended up being more of a "try all of my new VSTs" thing.
I see.
What you?
What you?
It burns burns burns
BTW check out the new podcast The Duosis Mixtapes:
BTW check out the new podcast The Duosis Mixtapes:
My first entry to OHC -- I've never tried making a song so quickly! It's a bit rough around the edges, but I had fun anyway. Emphasis on organ, because what instrument sounds more wrathful than an organ??
wrath with a ludicrous purpose.
I don't know if you guys know this, but the 200th OHC is coming up soon! HOLY CRAP!
In honor of this, I'm going to do nothing but remixes until then. Remixes of what? Out of the entries from 100 compos ago (so like 196-100 = compo 96), I'm going to remix whichever song's title fits the theme best (in otherwords, I don't know what I'm remixing until I know the theme, keeps it interesting). Besides, everyone's been doing remixes lately, and I just want to fit in!
I SEETHE when I'm plauged by distractions!
...also being late, but that's no surprise.
(I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to remix this, so I'm sorry if it sucks...if you're out there, please forgive me Bert....I mean monobrow)
In honor of this, I'm going to do nothing but remixes until then. Remixes of what? Out of the entries from 100 compos ago (so like 196-100 = compo 96), I'm going to remix whichever song's title fits the theme best (in otherwords, I don't know what I'm remixing until I know the theme, keeps it interesting). Besides, everyone's been doing remixes lately, and I just want to fit in!
I SEETHE when I'm plauged by distractions!
...also being late, but that's no surprise.
(I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to remix this, so I'm sorry if it sucks...if you're out there, please forgive me Bert....I mean monobrow)
AKA what happens when you are not used to growling. And you decide to be funny with less than 20 minutes left (I was late)
Because anger and stuff.
good night
seriously, some stupid crap I don't care about. Funny how even though I'm feeling sour, I can't put that in music :S
P.S. yea, I totally stole the amen break
seriously, some stupid crap I don't care about. Funny how even though I'm feeling sour, I can't put that in music :S
P.S. yea, I totally stole the amen break
Be passed up and get pissed off.
1. i am so bad with sticking to the theme
2. another song where i get the right idea halfway through
3. i havent even listened to this all the way
4. AGH!
5. ??????????
2. another song where i get the right idea halfway through
3. i havent even listened to this all the way
4. AGH!
5. ??????????
A description.
All the world around you is mad.
Yet you remain calm.
Yet you remain calm.
/me trying dnb
When a Nerd is Denied his Insurance, SHIT HITS DA FAN!